Lindsay Nagamatsu, PhD

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Activity for Brain Health and Aging

Contact Information


  • BA, MA, PhD (University of British Columbia)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Integrative Biosciences, Kinesiology MSc | PhD
  • Neuroscience |

Research In Profile

As a Canada Research Chair in Activity for Brain Health and Aging and the director of the Exercise, Mobility, and Brain Health Lab, professor Lindsay Nagamatsu's research focuses on: 1) identifying neural correlates of falls risk and mobility issues in older adults, and 2) examining the effects of exercise on cognitive function and brain health in older adults at-risk for cognitive decline. With expertise in advanced neuroimaging techniques (MRI and EEG), she examines changes in brain structure and function over time in both healthy and clinical populations. Taken together, her work aims to identify strategies to improve functional independence and quality of life for our aging population.

Featured Publications and Projects

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • JA Furlano, LS Nagamatsu. Feasibility of a 26-Week Exercise Program to Improve Brain Health in Older Adults at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Canadian Journal of Diabetes 45 (6), 546-552
  • JA Furlano, BR Horst, LS Nagamatsu. Brain deficits in prediabetic adults: A systematic review. Journal of Neuroscience Research 99 (7), 1725-1743
  • BR Horst, JA Furlano, MYS Wong, SD Ford, BB Han, LS Nagamatsu. Identification of demographic variables influencing dementia literacy and risk perception through a global survey. Frontiers in Public Health 9, 660600
  • CK Barha, JC Davis, RS Falck, LS Nagamatsu, T Liu-Ambrose. Sex differences in exercise efficacy to improve cognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in older humans. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 46, 71-85
  • LS Nagamatsu, CL Hsu, MW Voss, A Chan, N Bolandzadeh, TC Handy, ...The neurocognitive basis for impaired dual-task performance in senior fallers. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 8, 20
  • Nagamatsu, LS, Handy, TC, Hsu, CL, Voss, M, and Liu-Ambrose, T. (2012). Resistance training promotes cognitive and functional brain plasticity in seniors with probable mild cognitive impairment. Archives of Internal Medicine, 172(8), 666-668.

Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.

Current Grants and Research Projects

  • Thornton J, Nagamatsu L, Stranges S, Oudshoorn A, Shoemaker K, Pila E, Suskin N, Tucker T (2022-2024). 深夜福利站 Research Hub for Physical Activity and Health. 深夜福利站 Interdisciplinary Development Initiative. $199,886
  • Mottola M, Parapvessis H, Pila E, Nagamatsu L, Melling J, Burke S, Tucker T, Thornton J (2021-2022). Emerging team initiative to reduce inequalities in maternal and child lifestyle health. 深夜福利站 Interdisciplinary Development Initiative. $25,000
  • Nagamatsu L, Minda P, Burhan A, Mitchell D (2020-2022). Can self-efficacy training improve memory and functional activation in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment? A proof-of-concept study. BrainsCAN. $39,800
  • Liu-Ambrose T (co-PI), Nagamatsu L (co-PI), Barha C, Erickson K, Hsiung G, Sheel A, et al. (2016-2023). One size does not fit all: Tailoring exercise prescription for brain health based on BDNF polymorphism. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $1.1M
  • Nagamatsu L (2016-2025). Watch your step! Uncovering the neeurocognitive basis for the relationship between human attention and mobility. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant. $252,000

Featured Graduate Student Projects

  • Joyla Furlano (2016-2021), PhD Neuroscience.

  • Sabrina Ford (2017-2019), MSc Neuroscience.

  • Michelle Wong (2016-2018), MSc Kinesiology.

  • Phil Parrot-Migas (2015-2017), MSc Kinesiology.

Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.

Graduate Student Opportunities

If interested in graduate student supervision, please email professor Nagamatsu at with your CV and unofficial transcripts.

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

  • Exercise, Mobility and Brain Health Laboratory

Professional Activities

  • Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity (takes effect January 1, 2023)