Dr. Natalie Pietrzak-Renaud
Economic Geology
Research Adjunct Professor
Ph.D. 深夜福利站, 2011
Office: WSC G7
Phone: (519) 473-3766
Fax: (519) 473-3767
Email: npietrz@uwo.ca
Research Interests
Field based studies; effects of mineralogy and mineral chemistry in geometallurgical applications such as mineral processing, resource modelling and exploration targeting; resource modelling investigating recursive partitioning parameters; paragenetic sequencing and evolution of ore deposit processes; ore deposit metallogenic modelling particularly REE- and other magmatic deposits; origin, processes and evolution of economic iron formations.
Industry Experience
Director and Operations Manager,
Renaud Geological Consulting Ltd., (Analytical Laboratory)
London, Ontario
Fieldwork, microprobe analysis; petrographic studies; geometallurgical applications of mineralogy to extractive metallurgical processing; geochemical and mineralogical interpretations for drill program vectoring; indicator mineral research (base and precious metals), geological and resource modelling of ore deposits; writing qualifying reports.
Selected Publications
Pietrzak-Renaud, N., and Davis, D., 2014. U-Pb Geochronology of Baddeleyite from the Belleview Metadiabase: Age and Geotectonic Implications for the Negaunee Iron Formation, Michigan. Precambrian Research 250: 1-5.
Pietrzak-Renaud, N., 2013. Sedimentary and Metamorphic Lithofacies of the Lower Negaunee Iron Formation, Marquette District, Michigan, U.S.A: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 50(12): 1165-1177
- Earth Sciences 1070A/B: Introduction to the Geology and Resources of Earth
- Earth Sciences 1086A/B: Origins and Geology of the Solar System
Current Students
- Dylan Langille, MSc Geology Candidate (Co-Supervisor)
Future Students
Dr. Pietrzak-Renaud is open to working with M.Sc. and Course-based Masters students seeking mining industry-based topics as a co-adviser. Interested students should contact Dr. Pietrzak-Renaud for more information and potential projects.