Aara Suksi

Aara SuksiAssociate Professor of Classics

BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)

Office: Lawson Hall 3225
Ext: 81555
Email: asuksi@uwo.ca


 Areas of Interest

Greek literature and culture, Ancient Greek language, Ancient Greek myth, and Gender in Ancient Greece

Research Interests

Intergenericity and intertextuality in the ancient Greek literary tradition, gender and textuality, and the reception of texts from the Greek literary tradition in Latin literature and in contemporary writing.

Thesis Supervisions

  • Supervisor, Alexandra Dawson, PhD Candidate, "Non-Athenian Scenes of Supplication in the Euripidean Corpus". In progress.
  • Supervisor, Jonathan Vickers, PhD Candidate, "Dance and Acrobatics in Greek Culture". 
  • Supervisor, Jonathan Vickers, Tumbling in Choral Performance MA thesis, Classics. 2010-11.
  • Supervisor, Cassie Mackenzie. Vision and Spectacle in the Novels of Chariton and Heliodorus MA thesis, Classics 2009-10
  • Co-supervisor, Lisa Micheelsen, University of Alberta, The Poetry of Death: an Examination of the Language and Concepts in the Articulation of Death in the Iliad, PhD student in Classics, 2000-02


  • Edited (With Jeremy Rossiter) The Seasons: Greek and Roman Perspectives, a special issue of Mouseion (XLVII - Series III, Vol. 3, 2003)
  • Introduction (with Jeremy Rossiter) to The Seasons: Greek and Roman Perspectives, a special issue of Mouseion (XLVII - Series III, Vol. 3, 2003) 233-235.
  • "The Poet at Colonus: Nightingales in Sophocles, Mnemosyne 54, 2001, 646-658. (Netherlands).
  • Silence in Sophocles, in Siegfried Jaekel and Asko Timonen, eds. The Language of Silence. Turku, Finland, 2001. 31-40.
  • "An Analytical Onomasticon to the Metamorphoses of Ovid: Online Sampler" with John Bradley, Willard McCarty and Burton Wright. 1999-present.


  • "Quanto trepidat tumultu: Horace Odes 3.27". Forthcoming in Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica. 16 pages.
  • Scandalous maps in Aeschylean tragedy”, in Greta Hawes, ed. Myths on the map: the storied landscapes of ancient Greece. Oxford (forthcoming).
  • “The Mother-Daughter Romance and Heroic Nostos in Heliodorus’ Aithiopika.” Ancient Narrative (forthcoming).

Book Reviews

  • Konrad Kinzl. A Companion to the Classical Greek World. University of Toronto Quarterly 77:1 (Winter 2007/2008)
  • Kevin Corrigan and Elena Glazov-Corrigan. Platos Dialectic at Play: Argument, Structure and Myth in the Symposium. Philosophy in Review 26.6. (Dec. 2006) 399-401.
  • Kathryn Morgan: Myth and Philosophy: From the Presocratics to Plato. Phoenix LVII 3-4 (2004) 333-35.

Papers Read

  • “Thetis, Penelope, and Violent Revenge in Homer,” Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada. Toronto May 22 2015
  • “The Shield and the Bow: Arms, Identity and Authority in the Iliad and the Odyssey,” Department of Classical Studies (UWO) Research Forum. January 15, 2015.
  • “The Shield and the Bow: Arms, Identity and Authority in the Iliad and the Odyssey,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. New Orleans. Jan. 11, 2015.
  • “The Shield and the Bow: Arms, Identity and Authority in the Iliad and the Odyssey,” Violence in the Ancient and Medieval World. Lisbon. Feb. 19, 2014.
  • "Tragic Map-making", the Sixth Bristol Myth Conference, Greek Myths on the Map. Bristol, UK, July 31-Aug 2, 2013. Refereed.
  • "Prometheus, Pandora and Io", Writing Europe Before 1450. Bergen, Norway. June 4, 2012. Refereed.
  • "Prometheus, Pandora and Io", Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada. London, ON. May 8, 2012. Refereed.
  • "From Mnemosyne to the Alphabet", Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Philadelphia, PA. January 8, 2012. Refereed.
  • "Breaking the Law in Heliodorus' Aethiopika", Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada. May 12, 2011. Halifax, N.S. refereed.
  • "The Alphabet and the Muses", Coloquio Internacional Interdisciplinar, Da Letra ao Imaginario. Lisbon, Portugal. May 5. 2011. Refereed.
  • "Clytemnestras Odyssey: Agamemnon 896-974", Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 8, 2011. Refereed
  • "Clytemnestra and Penelope in Aeschylus' Agamemnon" Invited Keynote Speaker, Colloquium on Aeschylus Agamemnon. Windsor, November 7, 2009
  • "The Mother-Daughter Romance and Heroic Nostos in Heliodorus' Aithiopika" International Conference on the Ancient Novel, Lisbon, July 2008.
  • "Heroic Turns and Returns" Keynote address. Repetitions and Returns. Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. March 6, 2008.
  • "Euripides' Medea: Just One Day" Keynote Address, Opening of Euripides' Medea. Trent University Feb. 28, 2007.
  • "Alcibiades and the Parody of the Mysteries in Plato's Symposium" May 26, 2006. Classical Association of Canada,Toronto. refereed.
  • "Death, Goodness and the Lost Daughter: The Homeric Hymn to Demeter and Carol Shields' Unless", University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Gender and Society Workshop. Feb. 2006.
  • "Socrates and Marsyas in Plato's Symposium" May 13 2005, Classical Association of Canada, Banff, Alberta. refereed.
  • "Death, Goodness and the Lost Daughter: The Homeric Hymn to Demeter and Carol Shields' Unless", Penelope's Revenge. April 30-May 1, 2004. University of Calgary. Invited.
  • "Athenian Democracy as Trickster", Citizenship and Public Space. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Anthropology Society. May 5-9, 2004. University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. Contributed.
  • "Love and Death in Sophocles' Trachiniae", Brock University Annual Colloquium, March 8, 2003. Invited.
  • "Odysseus, Monsters, Dionysus and Democracy", Wilfrid Laurier University, Oct. 4, 2002. Invited.
  • "Odysseus on the Tragic Stage," Department of Languages and Literatures, University of Guelph, 2002. Invited.
  • "Polyphemus in Athens," Department of Classical Studies, University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, 2001
  • "Melanthius and Melantho, Children of Dolius," Homeric Contexts, University of Toronto and York University, 2000 refereed.
  • "Silence in Sophocles," Language and Silence, University of Turku, Finland, 2000. invited.
  • "A Wolf Among Lambs: Odysseus in Euripides' Hecuba, Iphigeneia at Aulis, and Trojan Women," Classical Association of Canada, Winnipeg, 2000
  • "A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Odysseus and Animal Disguise," Appoaches to Antiquity, University of Toronto, 1997
  • "Quanto trepidat tumultu: Horace, Odes 3.27," Appoaches to Antiquity, University of Toronto, 1996
  • "The Nightingales of Sophocles," Classical Association of Canada, Montreal, 1995


  • "Breaking the Law in Heliodorus' Aethiopika" UWO Faculty of Arts and Humanities Research Day, 2013
  • "Clytemnestra's Odyssey" UWO Faculty of Arts and Humanities Research Day, 2012
  • "Death, Goodness and the Lost Daughter: The Homeric Hymn to Demeter and Carol Shields' Unless", UWO Faculty of Arts and Humanities Research Day, 2006
  • "Odysseus in Democratic Athens". UWO Faculty of Arts Research Day, 2005