Graduate Training

Graphs, formula, equations, and network overlay on people in workplace.

深夜福利站 has numerous graduate courses in materials science and engineering. Many of these are accessible to students from other departments, with permission of the home department and the course instructor. Please check the graduate sections of the corresponding departments for information on course offerings each year and to obtain more details on these courses.

Applied Mathematics & Physics

Course Catalog Number Course Title
ApplMath 9531A/Phys9404 Statistical Physics
ApplMath 9513B/Phys9203B Quantum Mechanics

Physics & Astronomy

Course Catalog Number Course Title
Phys 9570Q Topics in Crystal Growth
Phys 9571Q Advanced Topics in Crystal Growth
Phys 9528Q/9528B Introduction to Polymer Physics
Phys 9826A Surface Science
Phys 9515B Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Nanostructures


Course Catalog Number Course Title
Chem 9444A Statistical Mechanics & Molecular Simulation
Chem 97044A/B Solar Energy Conversion
Chem 9594A Materials Corrosion Processes
Chem 9764A/B Spectroscopy & Microscopy in Materials Research
Chem 9701A/B Introduction into Nanomaterials Architectures
Chem 9724A/B Materials Analysis using Synchrotron Radiation
Chem 9754A/B Structural Chemistry of Solid Materials
Chem 9541A Xray Crystallography
Chem 9551A/B Clusters and Colloids
Chem 9648A/B Advanced Quantum Chemistry
Chem 9653T Polymers: Synthesis to Function
Chem 9663T Advanced Polymer Chemistry II

Earth Sciences

Course Catalog Number Course Title
GL 9516 Advanced Mineralogy and Crystallography
GP 9528 Tools for Spectroscopic Study of Materials

Mechanical & Materials Engineering

Course Catalog Number Course Title
MME 9518 Mechanicl Properties of Materials
MME 9602 Engineering Materials
MME 9616 Composite Materials
MME 9618 Fracture of Materials
MME 9620 Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology
MME 9623 Theory & Practice of Plasticity
MME 9643 Composite Processing
MME 9726 Advanced Nanomaterials

Chemical & Biochemical Engineering

Course Catalog Number Course Title
BME 9525/ CBE 9250 Advanced Biomaterials Engineering
CBE 9250 Advanced Polymerization Engineering
CBE 9663T Nanobiotechnology