Our Researchers

CAMBR faculty span ten departments and three faculties including the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, and Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. Their expertise range from materials synthesis to characterization, computation, and biological evaluation. Many groups are working together to tackle key societal challenges through materials innovation.

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A - E

Abdolvand, Hamid

Email: hamid.abdolvand@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88016
Office: SEB 3077

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Computation, characterization of structure and properties

Hamid Abdolvand is a faculty member of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department. His research focuses on deformation and failure mechanisms of engineering materials across length and time scales. Before joining 深夜福利站 Engineering, he was a postdoc researcher at the University of Oxford where he spent three years working on electron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction analysis of engineering materials. Prior to Oxford, he worked at the University of Manchester, developing finite element codes for Rolls-Royce Plc and AMEC-Europe.

Baines, Kim

Email: kbaines2@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86302
Office: Chemistry Building, 310A

Multiply-bonded compounds of silicon and germanium have proven to be powerful building blocks in organometallic chemistry just as alkenes and alkynes are in organic synthesis and polymer chemistry. The importance of alkenes in organic polymers is undisputed. Recently, Dr. Baines has discovered a new approach to polysilenes and polygermenes, polymers with an alternating silicon (or germanium) carbon backbone, from the silicon and germanium analogues of alkenes, respectively. Her group continues to explore the chemistry and applications of this novel class of polymers.

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing

Faculty Page

Banerjee, Neil

Email: neil.banerjee@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83727
Office: Biological and Geological Sciences Building (BGS), Rm. 0166

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Earth science, stable isotope biogeochemistry, mineral exploration and characterization

Dr. Banerjee is the NSERC/Yamana Gold Inc. Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Mineral Exploration. His research focuses on the geologic history of the origins of life and the structure of the earth as recorded in oceanic sediments and rocks. He works collaboratively with industry on mining and mineral exploration, particularly on assessing the origin and character of gold deposits in the Kirkland Lake mining camp.

Faculty Page

Bartha, Robert

Email: rbartha@robarts.ca 
Phone: 519-663-5777 x24039
Office: Robarts Research Institute, 1250E

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
MR In-Vivo Proton Spectroscopy, MR In-Vivo Sodium Imaging, Biological Evaluation

Dr. Bartha's program involves the characterization of novel nanomaterials for use as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents.  In particular, the characterization and development of methods to detect nanomaterials with greater sensitivity using a mechanism called chemical exchange saturation transfer.  The use of this mechanism provides opportunities to utilize nanomaterials to report physiological conditions such as temperature and pH in biological systems.

Biesinger, Mark

Email: biesingr@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2173 519-661-2111 x86701
Office: Convergence Centre, LL27

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Surface science and engineering, characterization of structure and properties, understanding materials degradation

Dr. Mark C. Biesinger is the Director of Surface Science 深夜福利站 (深夜福利站), Canada’s leading surface analysis and materials characterization facility. Mark is an internationally recognized expert in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). He has several highly-cited publications in the field which focus on improvements in both sample analysis and data interpretation techniques, particularly in the analysis of transition metals. He also has extensive experience with SSW’s wide range of surface analysis and materials characterization techniques including various XPS, SEM/EDX, optical microscopes, and static and ToF-SIMS instruments.The team at Surface Science 深夜福利站 carries out short and long-term analytical, consultative, research and development work with local, national and international partners in a wide range of industrial sectors including: automotive, aerospace, mining, energy, medical, environmental and electronics.

Blamey, Nigel

Email: nblamey2@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x85246
Office: BGS 1000D

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production, characterization of structure and properties, 

I am a geochemist who specializes in fluid inclusion and geochemical applications to geothermal systems, hydrothermal ore deposits, and petroleum basins.  My principle tool is a custom-built mass spectrometer system for fluid inclusion gas analysis.  This unique system quantitatively analyses fluid inclusion volatiles including: H2, He, CH4, H2O, N2, O2, H2S, Ar, CO2, SO2, C2-C4 alkanes and alkenes, and benzene.

Faculty Page

Boutilier, Michael

Email: michael.boutilier@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x84361
Office: Thompson Engineering Building, Room 437

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, nanostructured membranes  

Michael Boutilier is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and cross-appointed to the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. His research is on nanostructured membranes with a particular interest in graphene and carbon nanotube technologies.

Charpentier, Paul

Email: pcharpentier@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83466
Office: Claudette Mackay-Lassonde Pavilion, 3333

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, materials synthesis and processing 

Dr. Paul Charpentier is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and Mechanical & Materials Engineering at 深夜福利站. He is a member of International Composites Research Centre (ICRC). Dr. Charpentier is also a Professor in the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR) and the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program at 深夜福利站.

Dr. Charpentier's main area of research is developing new “green nanotechnologies” for environmentally-friendly and alternative energy applications. His group enjoys working with industry on problems which lead to developing new areas in basic science and applying them to real world applications. Research is being carried out in several key areas to develop novel nanomaterials and nanomedicines synthesized using green enabling solvents such as supercritical carbon dioxide and ionic liquids for emerging applications. These novel materials formed using techniques in polymer synthesis, self-assembly and particle design have applications in many areas including solar devices, self-cleaning coatings, catalytic and biomedical applications.

Constas, Styliani

Email: sconstas@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86338
Office: Chemistry Building, 071

Affiliated Research and Core Projects

My research group studies the stability of chemical and biochemical systems by investigating their dynamics using computer modelling. Sizes of systems that are examined range from small clusters to systems containing hundreds of thousand atoms. We focus on the development and application of Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo techniques to study rare event dynamics.

Faculty Page

Corrigan, John

Email: corrigan@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86387
Office: Chemistry Building, 16

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing 

The research program in the Corrigan group is based on the development of molecular inorganic synthesis with a primary focus on the assembly of mixed d block metal-main group polynuclear complexes. The research program focuses on the design of new reagents for the assembly of metal containing molecular species, which include nanometer sized, semiconductor architectures with specialized properties (functionalization). The functionalities are incorporated into (or onto) the frameworks via a “molecular precursor approach” whereby small molecules are designed, prepared and integrated into higher order structures via controlled assembly. The preparation of such well-defined (re: size, shape and composition) results in molecular architectures with size-dependent properties and potential applications in areas encompassing energy (eg. photovoltaics), medicine (eg. bio-labels) and catalysis. Research in our laboratory works within a continuum of molecule to cluster to nanomaterial.

Faculty Page

de Bruyn, John

Email: debruyn@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86430
Office: Physics and Astronomy, 230

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Characterization of structure and properties

My research is mostly in the area of experimental condensed matter physics, and centers on soft materials, the physics of biological systems, and the dynamics of systems driven out of equilibrium.

Denniston, Colin

Email: cdennist@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88791
Office: Middlesex College, 226

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Computation 

The Denniston group's research focuses on modelling particles and dynamic processes in complex fluids.  They study systems involving micro- and nano-scale objects, soft colloids or polymers for instance, in a complex fluid such as a liquid crystal.  An important aspect of their work is the development of models and multi-scale computer simulation techniques to investigate these systems. 

Ding, Zhifeng

Email: zfding@uwo.ca  
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86161
Office: MSA, 0203

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Understanding materials degradation, Surface science and engineering 

Dr. Ding’s research group is applying modern analytical methods such as electrochemistry, spectroscopy and microscopy to multidisciplinary research. His team specializes in the development and applications of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), Raman microspectroscopy (RMS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), near-field scanning optic microscopy (NSOM), electrochemiluminescence (ECL), and their combination. He is applying these techniques to cell imaging, electroluminescence and the development solar cells.

Faculty Page

Dixon, Jeffrey

Email: jeff.dixon@schulich.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-3769
Office: Dental Sciences Building, Room 0075

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Biological evaluation

Dr. Jeff Dixon is a Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, and School of Dentistry at 深夜福利站 in London, Canada. He studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the resorption and formation of mineralized tissues. Collaboratively, he is investigating mechanotransduction in skeletal cells and developing advanced materials for bone regeneration and dental applications. Dixon has served on the Advisory Board of the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (one of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, CIHR) and as president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. From 2001-2009, he directed the CIHR Group in Skeletal Development and Remodeling, an interdisciplinary team focusing on musculoskeletal and dental health research. Dr. Dixon currently serves on the leadership team of the Bone and Joint Institute at 深夜福利站.


F - J

Fanchini, Giovanni

Email: gfanchin@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86238
Office: Physics and Astronomy, 229

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Characterization of structure and properties

Dr. Fanchini's activity encompasses the preparation of carbon-based and organic nanomaterials and their use for the fabrication of optical and electronic devices, including thin film transistors and solar cells. Materials that have been recently investigated include carbon nanotube networks, graphene nanoplatelets, conducting polymers and polyaromatic molecules. Specific characterization and modelling activities focus on spectroscopic investigation of electronic and solar cell devices during operation and involve the use of photothermal deflection spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, solid-state electron-spin resonance, Kelvin-probe spectro-microscopy and near-field optical techniques.

Flemming, Roberta

Email: rflemmin@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-3143
Office: BGS 1062, 1063

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production, characterization of structure and properties, 

Professor Roberta Flemming and her research group study a variety of mineralogical and geological problems using a combination of crystallography, mineral chemistry and spectroscopy. Observations made from synthetic minerals produced at high temperatures and pressures in the laboratory, and from natural minerals found in Earth and planetary materials, are used to understand changes in mineral structure, chemistry, cation distribution, solid-solubility, and phase transition behaviour in response to changes in pressure, temperature, and composition (P-T-X), on Earth and other planetary bodies.

Faculty Page

Flynn, Lauren

Email: lauren.flynn@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x87226
Office: CMLP, 1337

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy,  Biomaterials for cardiovascular disease and wound healing, Biological evaluation

Dr. Lauren Flynn is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering and Anatomy & Cell Biology at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. Following her undergraduate degree in Engineering Science, Dr. Flynn completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, investigating the design and characterization of natural bioscaffolds for adipose tissue engineering. In 2007, she joined Queen’s University as an Assistant Professor and was subsequently recruited to 深夜福利站 in 2014

The focus of Dr. Flynn’s research is on the development of cell-based regenerative therapies with adipose-derived stem/stromal cells (ASCs) and bioscaffolds derived from the extracellular matrix (ECM) for applications in soft connective tissue regeneration, wound healing, and therapeutic angiogenesis. Her interdisciplinary and translational research program involves collaborations with engineers, biologists, imaging scientists, and clinicians, and is funded by the CIHR, NSERC, and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

Gillies, Elizabeth

Email: egillie@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x80223
Office: MSA, 3202

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Biomaterials for cardiovascular disease and wound healing, Materials synthesis and processing

Dr. Gillies’ research involves the design, synthesis and application of functional molecules. The molecules of interest can range from well-defined oligomers and dendrimers to higher molecular weight polymers. In particular, the group is interested in the interactions of these molecules and their supramolecular assemblies with biological systems to serve as new biomaterials and therapeutics. For example, polymer assemblies may be used as nanocontainers to control the localization within the body of therapeutics ranging from small molecules to proteins and DNA. They may also serve as new scaffolds to display biological ligands, thereby providing new therapeutics or materials for tissue engineering. We are also investigating polymers that degrade by novel mechanisms in response to biological stimuli in order to achieve an unprecendented level of control over the polymer degradation process. Research is also underway to develop new contrast agents for medical imaging.

Faculty Page

Gilroy, Joe B.

Email: joe.gilroy@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x81561
Office: MSA, 3201

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Understanding materials degradation, Materials synthesis and processing

Dr. Gilroy's research is centered around the design and synthesis of inorganic and polymeric materials with potentially desirable conducting, magnetic, redox, and sensing properties.  His research has both fundamental and applied aspects, with a long-term goal of making a significant impact to global scientific challenges, including the development of alternative energy technologies.  Current research projects include the synthesis of highly metallized polymers as precursors to novel heterogeneous catalysts, the synthesis of novel p-type semiconducting polymers for use in photovoltaic devices, and the study of organic radical polymers as redox shuttles for energy storage applications.

Faculty Page

Goncharova, Lyudmila

Email: lgonchar@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x81558
Office: PAB, 231

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, Surface science and engineering

Dr. Lyudmila Goncharova is an expert in surface and interface characterization utilizing high and medium energy ion scattering elastic recoil detection analysis, and nuclear reaction analysis. The group’s scientific objectivesare to perform quantum dot preparation using ion implantation, as well as high-resolution ion profiling of thin film multilayered structures with focus on the interfaces, and the development of a more comprehensive model of interface structures that can be used in the design of interfaces for electronics, photonics and related applications. Additionally, the broader technological impact of this work will result in improving ion beam techniques for hydrogen detection and profiling to study novel materials for solar cell energy applications.

Hamilton, Douglas

Email: douglas.hamilton@schulich.uwo.ca  
Phone: 519-661-2111 x58194
Office: SEB 3077

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Biomaterials for cardiovascular disease and wound healing, Biological Evaluation

Douglas Hamilton, PhD, is Assistant Dean, Dentistry Research. He also holds the position of Associate Professor of Oral Biology, Dentistry with a cross appointment in the Departments of Anatomy & Cell Biology, and Biomedical Engineering.

Hedberg, Yolanda

Email: yhedberg@uwo.ca  
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86248
Office: ChB 126

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Surface Science and Engineering, Characterization of Structure and Properties

Dr. Hedberg received her MSc in Materials Science at Friedrich-Alexander university of Erlangen, Germany, her Ph.D. in Corrosion Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and conducted her postdoc in Environmental and Occupational Dermatology at Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Her group has the long-term goal to predict corrosion and surface reactions of relevance for health, environmental, and societal safety. Her group explores the dynamic interactions between biological, often protein-rich, environments and different materials, such as metallic implant materials, metal nanoparticles, welding fume nanoparticles, and materials and products containing sensitizing substances.

Faculty Page

Henning, Frank

Email: frank.henning@ict.fraunhofer.de 
Phone: 490721-4640-420
Office: NA

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Materials synthesis and processing, Characterization of structure and properties

Composite materials, wet compression molding, HP-RTM, in-line compounding of long-fibre reinforced polymers, injection moulding(thermosets and thermoplastics), design and construction of composite parts.

Hosein, Yara

: Yara.Hosein@schulich.uwo.ca 
Office: NA

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Materials synthesis and processing

Dr. Yara Hosein (PhD, Biomedical Engineering) is the Applications Specialist at the Additive Design in Surgical Solutions (ADEISS) Centre, and affiliated with the School of Biomedical Engineering at 深夜福利站. Her research focuses on the design and development of customized and personalized medical devices using metal additive manufacturing (commonly termed 3D printing), specifically exploring novel construct designs for maxillofacial and orthopaedic applications, and assessing feasibility of additive manufacturing for dental device fabrication. Additive manufacturing (AM) is a useful tool for medical device development due to the increased design freedom offered by the technology. As such, AM can produce complex geometries found in patient-specific devices, functional features within devices (e.g. lattices), as well as moving assemblies. Additionally, due to its streamlined digital process (CAD model to print), AM allows for rapid design iteration. This facilitates the research and development stages of medical device development, thereby expediting comprehensive testing and validation of devices intended for the clinical market.

Hrymak, Andrew

Email: hrymak@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2128
Office: Spencer Engineering Building, 2008

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Materials synthesis and processing, Computation, Characterization of structure properties

I am interested in problems with complex rheology, multiple phases and multiple length scales - e.g. liquid-liquid dispersions and particle-liquid flows.
Our group does computer simulation and experiments in a number of important polymer processing operations, including: mixing (twin-screw extruders, static mixers, impingement mixing), die design, reactive processing, injection molding, liquid coating and rheology.

We use computational fluid dynamics, finite element and finite volume methods, for problems with free and moving boundaries, as well as complex interfaces. 

Most of the problems I work on are materials processing related, usually with an industry sponsor.

Huang, Yining

Email: yhuang@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83122
Office: MSA, 0250

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Characterization of structure and properties

Dr. Yining Huang was born in Beijing, China. He obtained his B.Sc and M.Sc from Peking University and earned his Ph.D. from McGill University (with Ian S. Butler). After a NSERC post-doctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia (with Colin A. Fyfe), he started his independent academic career at Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, as an Assistant Professor. He is currently a Professor of Chemistry and department chair at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. His current research interest focuses on porous materials.

Faculty Page

Hudson, Robert

Email: rhhudson@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86349
Office: ChB, 222

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for cardiovascular disease and wound healing

Dr. Hudson is an expert in oligonucleotide, peptide and cyclen chemistries and produces novel biomaterials for imaging purposes.

Faculty Page

Hutter, Jeffrey

Email: jhutter@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86719
Office: PAB, 209

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Characterization of structure and properties

Dr. Hutter is interested in studying materials and processes at the nanometer level.  This includes measuring the mechanical properties of nanofibres by atomic-force microscopy, real-time in-situ studies of the inhibition of biomineralization by specific proteins, and probing the structure of hydrogels and complex fluids using neutron scattering.  Active collaborations at 深夜福利站 involve researchers in Engineering and the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as in the Faculty of Science.

Jiang, Dazhi

Email: djiang3@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83192
Office: BGS 0176

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production, 

Dr. Jiang's research interest lies primarily in using structures and fabrics preserved in Earth's crust and mantle, observed on small scales such as in field rock exposures, in hand samples, and under microscopes, to unravel large-scale tectonic deformation processes. He integrates fieldwork, laboratory microstructural and texture analysis, and numerical modeling in his research. He has developed a self-consistent micromechanical approach for modeling muti-scale fabric development during the deformation of the heterogeneous Earth's lithosphere. The approach provides a rigorous link between structural geology and tectonics. His group currently applies the approach to field areas in the Canadian Shield, the Central Orogenic Belt of China, and the North China Craton.

Faculty Page

Jiang, Liying

: ljiang55@uwo.ca  
Phone: 519-661-2111 x80422
Office: SEB 3076

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Computation

Dr. Jiang is currently a professor in the Mechanical & Materials Engineering department at 深夜福利站. Dr. Jiang received her B.Sc. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1994, Master of Engineering degree specialized in Solid Mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology (China) in 1999, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta (Canada) in 2005.

Before she joined 深夜福利站 as an assistant professor in 2006, Dr. Jiang worked as an NSERC PDF in Mechanical Science and Engineering Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Jiang was promoted to associate professor and full professor in 2012 and 2018, respectively. Dr. Jiang was the holder of the NSERC University Faculty award (2006 to 2011) and Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award (2011-2012).

Dr. Jiang’s research focuses on theoretical modeling and numerical simulation to develop mechanics and physics models for challenging problems related to materials behavior, ranging from traditional composites, to smart materials, and to nanostructured materials. Research topics include multiphysics modeling on smart materials and soft matters for transduction technology applications, computational mechanics modeling on composites, nanomechanics, and failure analysis of advanced materials.  

Johlin, Eric

Email: ejohnlin@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x81426
Office: Spencer Engineering Building (SEB), 3094

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Nanophotonics; optoelectronics; algorithmic design; nanofabrication; photovoltaics; optical simulations; nanoscale characterization

Materials for sustainable energy

Dr. Johlin’s research investigates nanostructuring to improve performance and create new functionalities in optoelectronics devices. Algorithmic design, coupled to full-wave optical simulations, is used to determine the shape and materials of nanophotonic structures. This is essential as the simulation-led design allows one to leverage the highly unintuitive wave nature of light, which becomes increasingly dominant at the nanoscale. These nanophotonic structures are produced using 3D lithography and self-assembly techniques, and can be used to control, enhance, sort, and confine photons. Characterization methods are being developed as well to accurately interrogate the optical fields produced by the devices created in the lab at high resolution, and in situ characterization of devices during fabrication is also being explored. These processes are being applied to photovoltaic solar cell devices, photodetectors, and single-photon sources for quantum computing applications.


K - L

Karttunen, Mikko

Email: mkarttu@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86335
Office:ChB 072

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Computation

My research focuses on the properties of biological & soft matter using theory and the methods of computational chemistry and physics. Typical systems are at the interface between materials science, biology & biomedical sciences. I am interested in problems such as lipid diffusion, sterols, bacterial toxins, membrane proteins, antibiotics, translocation of DNA, peptides and sugars. I am also working on magnetic materials, pattern formation and non-equilibrium dynamics.

Faculty Page

Klassen, Robert

Email: rjklasse@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88323
Office: SEB 3075

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, Characterization of structure and properties, Surface science and engineering

Dr. Klassen's research is directed to studying the mechanisms of time-dependent plastic deformation that operate in small volumes of pure metals and alloys. These studies are performed with either nano-indentation or micro-pillar compression testing and focus on establishing relationships between the underlying deformation mechanisms and microstructural features.

Knopf, George

Email: gkknopf@uwp.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88452
Office: SEB 3087

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing, Characterization of structure and properties, Surface science and engineering

George K. Knopf is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and the Director of 深夜福利站 Engineering’s collaborative (MEng) Engineering in Medicine program. He has expertise in engineering design and advanced manufacturing processes. His research focuses on functional materials and fabrication processes for developing biosensors, bioelectronics and wearable technologies

Konermann, Lars

Email: konerman@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86313
Office: BGS 2016

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Computation, Characterization of structure and properties

Research in the Konermann laboratory revolves around conformational studies on proteins. In particular, this work focuses on the mechanisms of biomolecular self-assembly (folding and misfolding of protein chains, as well as the formation of protein-protein contacts). Another aspect of Konermann's research program is the relationship between protein structure, function, and conformational dynamics. Much of this work is based on the application of modern mass spectrometry techniques, in conjunction with isotope exchange and covalent labeling approaches.

Faculty Page

Lagugné-Labarthet, François

Email: flagugne@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x81006
Office: MSA 0202

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Characterization of structure and properties, Surface science engineering

Dr. Lagugné-Labarthet's scientific interest includes the development of high spatial resolution optical spectroscopy for nanomaterial characterization, as well as the design, modelling and fabrication of nanostructured plasmonics devices for high sensitivity sensing. More recently, he engaged with Robarts researchers in the spatial control of neuron growth using surface modification. He is involved in multiple collaborations within UWO and with other Canadian and European colleagues.

Faculty Page

Linnen, Robert

Email: rlinnen@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-3198
Office: BGS 1000B

Affiliated Research and Core Projects

Sustainable resource extraction and production, characterization of structure and properties

Robert Hodder Chair in Economic Geology.
My research focuses on the behavior of metals in magmatic-hydrothermal systems. My approach is to combine field and experimental studies to identify the mechanisms that are important for concentrating metals and controlling mineralization, then quantify these processes to develop ore deposit models and exploration strategies. Current projects involve investigations of precious metal (Au and PGE) and rare metal (Li, Nb, Ta, REE, Sn, W) deposits.

Faculty Page

Liu, Lijia

Email: lijia.liu@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x84456
Office: ChB 066

Affiliated Research and Core Projects

Materials synthesis and processing, Characterization of structure and properties, Synchrotron spectroscopy


Dr. Liu’s research is on understanding the fundamental properties of advanced materials using synchrotron radiation spectroscopy. Specific techniques include X-ray absorption fine structure, X-ray diffraction, and micro/nano imaging. She is developing characterization techniques that allows to capture the structure, morphology, and luminescence of the materials in situ. Design of the reaction cell can be tailored to suit the needs of individual project. Her ongoing projects include lead halide perovskite-based solar cells and light-emitting devices, metal-centered coordination compounds, and calcium phosphate coatings for bioimplants.

Longstaffe, Fred

Email: flongsta@uwo.ca  
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83177 
Office: BGS 1023

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production, characterization of structure and properties, 

Dr. Longstaffe is a Distinguished University Professor and Canada Research Chair in Stable Isotope Science at the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, where he is a member of the Department of Earth Sciences, cross-appointed in Anthropology, Biology and Geography, and Director of the multidisciplinary Laboratory for Stable Isotope Science (LSIS). He is an “Earth Systems Science” researcher. Presently, Fred’s research time is divided between climate change, past and present (“Back to the Future”), and clay mineral science (“Clay Pod”). The Back to the Future team tracks past environmental and climate change in North America as a bellwether for the future. Plants, animals and people that populated the changing landscape as ice from the last glacial period retreated left a record of their environment that is captured by the stable isotope compositions of plant and animal remains. The Clay Pod investigates the isotopic composition of clay minerals and associated bound and mobile pore fluids. The goal is to understand how clay-water interactions affect the isotopic signatures of both phases, and hence the use of O- and H-isotope tracers for fluid movement in the subsurface.

Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Stable Isotope Science

Faculty Page
Lab Website


M - P

Macfie, Sheila

Email: smacfie@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86487
Office: BGS 2051

Plant physiology, stress physiology, toxic metals, emerging contaminants

Research in the Macfie laboratory focuses on the physiological responses of plants to environmental contaminants. Her research program has three primary areas: mechanisms that prevent the uptake and translocation of contaminants within plants, mechanisms that detoxify or compartmentalize contaminants that have been taken up, and the influence of contaminants on plant-microbe interactions at the root-soil interface. Much of the work has focused on cadmium and benzalkonium chlorides but recent research includes silver nanoparticles.

Faculty Page

McCausland, Phil

Email: pmccausl@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88008
Office: BGS 0187

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production, 


Faculty Page
Research Group Page (深夜福利站 Paleomagnetic & Petrophysical Laboratory)

Mequanint, Kibret

Email: kmequani@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88573
Office: Thompson Engineering Building, 439

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing, Biological Evaluation

Dr.  Kibret Mequanint is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at 深夜福利站.  His research is in the fields of Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine interfacing polymer science, materials and chemical engineering, and life sciences. Over the past 20 years, his work spanned both fundamental understandings and translational research in cell-material interactions, the design of novel polymer biomaterials for medical devices, and therapeutic radiation dosimeters. Some of his technologies are licensed to companies.

Mittler, Silvia

Email: smittler@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88592
Office: PAB 208

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Characterization of structure and properties, Surface science and engineering, 

Dr. Silvia Mittler is a physicist who was educated at the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. Her diploma thesis work was conducted in the group of Prof. Paul Leiderer in the Department of Physics at the Johannes-Gutenberg University on the topic of " The Investigation of the Phase Transition between Amorphous and Crystalline Tetracene by Raman Spectroscopy" in 1986. For her PhD she joined the group of Prof. Wolfgang Knoll at the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz and graduated in 1989 with a biophysical topic: "Charge Induced Phase Separation in Black Lipid Membranes". In 1990 she became a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. George Stegeman at the Optical Sciences Center of the University of Arizona and at CREOL of the University of Central Florida. Her research interests during this period were polymeric waveguide devices for nonlinear optical application and spectroscopy.

In 1993 she returned to the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research to build up the integrated optics group. The linear optical characterization of nonlinear optical materials for waveguide application was one aim within the project. New waveguide devices and concepts for sensor application including chemical active sensing layers immobilized on top of the waveguide devices were the focus of interest as well as metal nano particles. Optical techniques, XPS, AFM and spontaneous desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry were frequently used for the analysis of surface functionalizations. Methods for the independent determination of the refractive index and the geometrical thickness of ultrathin films were developed.

In 2000 she conducted her "Habilitation" in the Physical Chemistry Department of the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz and gave birth to twin boys. Her partner is a mineralogist and actively involved in research too. Since September 2003 she has been a member of the faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at 深夜福利站. She had been awarded with the Tier I Canada Reaserch Chair in Photonics of Surfaces and Interfaces in February 2004 in an accelerated fashion. In September 2010 she received an Award of Appreciation from Sciencetech Inc., London, Ontario.

Moser, Desmond

Email: desmond.moser@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x84214
Office: BGS 1070

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, characterization of structure and properties, 

Dr. Desmond Moser conducts solid Earth and planetary science research using 深夜福利站’s nationally unique Zircon and Accessory Phase Laboratory (ZAPLab). Micromineral crystal growth and deformation analysis (e.g. CL, EBSD) is integrated with field mapping, microchemical (EDS, WDS), petrologic and mass spectrometry measurements (radiogenic and stable isotopes) at 深夜福利站 and partner institutes. His active projects investigate meteorites, crustal cross-sections, kimberlite xenoliths, sedimentary basins and impact structures in the Americas, Africa and Europe. His ZAPLab team is advancing our knowledge of the timing and nature of processes that form and modify planetary crusts and ore deposits while advancing the growing sub-discipline of accessory mineral science.

Faculty Page
Lab Website

Newson, Tim

Email: tnewson@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-850-2973
Office: SEB 3084

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Characterization of structure and properties

Dr. Newson’s research involves the use of structural engineering analysis, contaminant transport theories and computational flow dynamics to improve the understanding of the biomechanical, viscoelasticity and fluid flow behaviour of the eye. This has included studies of the cornea, sclera, posterior chamber, optic nerve and extraocular muscles. Further work has been instigated recently investigating drug transport and CT imaging of the eye, ocular needle mechanics for intravitreal treatments, the use of elastic wave theories to determine in vivo corneal elastic properties and the development of artificial analogues for ocular tissues and vitreous humour using PVA-cryogels.

Noël, James

Email: jjnoel@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88029
Office: ChB 20

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, Surface science and engineering

The Noël group employs innovative, multidisciplinary approaches to solving problems that straddle the boundaries of chemistry, physics, earth sciences, metallurgy, and materials science, especially those related to materials electrochemistry and corrosion/degradation. This often requires designing and constructing specialized apparatus for novel experiments or extreme environments, performing high resolution surface analyses and precise measurements of fundamental physical chemical quantities by electrochemical and other appropriate means, and detailed data analysis, fitting, and computer modeling. Much of the group’s work is related to ensuring the safety and longevity of metallic containers for the permanent disposal of nuclear fuel waste.

Faculty Page

Paul, Arghya

Email: arghya.paul@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x82249
Office: Thompson Engineering Building (TEB), Rm. 353

Dr. Paul’s research investigates and explores different types of biopolymers, polymeric hydrogels and bioactive nanomaterials for delivery of therapeutics (e.g. microRNA, plasmid DNA, secretomes, and growth factors), 3D bioprinting and advanced tissue engineering applications. His lab has developed various types of hydrogels utilizing the innate properties of natural polymers in combination with nanoparticles to deliver therapeutic molecules. These hydrogels enhance the drug loading efficiency, reduce inflammatory responses and control drug release kinetics. Furthermore, he develops shear-thinning hydrogels that are injectable, mechanically deformable and can fill up desired shapes and irregular defects for localized drug delivery. Overall, his lab aims to (1) innovate at the biomolecular and cellular level to develop new biomedical technologies for wound healing and regeneration therapy (2) exploit the stem cell-material interactions and mechanistic pathways, and (3) discover bio-originated therapeutic strategies which can be translated to point-of-care patient applications.

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials; Tissue Engineering; Stem Cell Therapeutics; Nanomedicine; Regenerative Medicine; Hydrogels for Drug Delivery; Medical Implants;

Faculty Page Chemistry


Poepping, Tamie

Email: poepping@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86431
Office: PAB 236

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for cardiovascular disease and wound healing, 

Dr. Poepping’s research focuses on the development of methods for studying blood flow related to vascular and microvascular networks, such as ultrasound imaging and particle image velocimetry (PIV) of macro- and micro-scale flow, as well as the application of lumped-parameter models using pressure and flow data to derive vascular impedance parameters. These tools are used to quantify flow disturbances in life-sized vascular models using ultrasound, PIV, and numerical simulations, including corresponding turbulent and shear stresses metrics associated with disease risk. Recent work also includes the design and implementation of microfluidic devices for rheology, and tissue engineering, and cell biology studies, including endothelial mechanotransduction.

Price, Aaron

Email: aaron.price@uwo.ca  
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86420
Office: Chakma Engineering Building (ACEB), 3457

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Materials for synthesis and processing, 

Dr. Aaron Price began investigating smart materials in 2004 through an Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems project to develop shape memory alloy based artificial muscle actuators. In 2006 he completed an M.A.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ottawa with a focus on smart material enabled prosthetics and robotics. He completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2012, where he developed novel nanoscale EAP actuator technologies for adaptive optics systems. From 2011 to 2014 he was a member of ABB’s Corporate Research Center in Germany specializing in the application of electroactive polymers, magnetic shape memory alloys, and piezo-transducers for industrial sensing, energy harvesting, and actuation technologies. He joined the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario in January of 2015. Dr. Price leads the Organic Mechatronics & Smart Materials Laboratory and is currently a member of the Biomedical Engineering program (biomaterials), 深夜福利站’s Bone & Joint Institute, and the 深夜福利站 Cluster of Research Excellence in Musculoskeletal Health.


Q - T

Ragogna, Paul

Email: pragogna@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x87048
Office: BGS 2022

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, Materials synthesis and processing, Phosphorus-based materials and barrier coatings

Functional polymeric materials have a wide range of established and potential commercial applications.  From electrical conductivity, light emission or as barrier films, designer macromolecules play an important role in addressing these and related technological challenges.  In this context, the Ragogna group is interested in two particular areas of polymer/functional materials chemistry; (i) Designing surfaces with a high degree of water repellency (superhydrophobicity) that utilize low-cost starting materials, are UV curable and applied in a single coat application process; and, (ii) Side chain functionalized cobalt containing metallopolymers and diblock copolymers, with a high degree of tuneability with respect to the chemical substituents around the cobalt centre.

Faculty Page

Rizkalla, Amin

Email: arizkalla@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x82212
Office: Thompson Engineering Building, 435

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Materials synthesis and processing, 

Dr. Amin Rizkalla earned his PhD in Biomaterials Engineering (1987) at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, after earning a M.Eng in Metallurgical Engineering (1977) at McGill University, Quebec. His BSc in Materials Engineering (1974) was earned at The American University in Cairo, Egypt.

While working in the industrial field prior to his academic career, Rizkalla rose in ranks from Research Engineer to Senior Process Development Engineer to Supervisor of Process Engineering at Combustion Engineering Superheater Ltd. (Division of Nuclear Fuel) in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada from 1977-1983.

Rogan, Peter

Email: progan@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x84255
Office: SDRI 201A

Structural analysis of short DNA probes bound to metaphase chromosomes by nanoscale imaging reveals the topological context of these DNA sequences in the genome. Recent studies have investigated the coupling of kinetochore structural dynamics and centromeric DNA segregation. The methods developed by Dr. Rogan are being used to investigate the topological context of low- and single copy probe sequences on chromosomes, with the goal of understanding and mitigating differences in their accessibility to targets on different homologs.

Affiliated Research and Core Projects

Rohani, Sohrab

Email: srohani@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x84116
Office: Thompson Engineering Building, 457

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Materials synthesis and processing

Dr. Rohani is the past Chair of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department at the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.  He obtained his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Pahlavi (Shiraz) University and his Ph.D. from the University of Wales in Process Control.  He spent two years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich before joining the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Saskatchewan in 1982.  He has spent sabbatical leaves at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England; ETH (Switzerland); the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC), Nancy, France; and ApotexPharmaChem Inc. (Canada).  He has been the recipient of Engineering Medal in Research and Development from the Professional Engineers, Ontario, in 2008 and 深夜福利站 Faculty of Engineering Award for Excellence in Research in 2009.

Ronald, John

Email: jronald2@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-931-5777
Office: RRI, 2241A

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for cardiovascular disease and wound healing, Biological evaluation

As we enter this era of more personalized and precise medicine, new technologies are needed that can sensitively, accurately and non-invasively detect molecular activities within the body over the course of an individual’s entire life. My lab’s research focuses on pioneering novel molecular and cellular imaging technologies that will hopefully meet these needs. We have a particular interest on improved early cancer detection, as well as improved monitoring of state-of-the-art gene-based and cell-based therapies for cancer and other diseases. To accomplish this we are investigating the development of novel molecular biology platforms that strategically integrates disease-specific activatable expression systems with both biofluid-based and multimodality imaging readouts. This work is at the interface of molecular and cell biology, imaging sciences, and nanomedicine and requires a multidisciplinary approach to devise innovative solutions to some of today’s most difficult biomedical problems.

Secco, Richard

Email: secco@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x.84079
Office: BGS 0178

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production

My research interests are in Mineral Physics and Materials Science. We try to understand the effects of high pressures (P) and high/low temperatures (T) on solids and liquids as P and T perturb and present the promise of control of physical properties. We measure electrical, thermal, elastic properties of pure and alloys of transition metals in large volume presses (200 ton and 1000 ton cubic anvil presses; 500 ton and 3000 ton multi-anvil presses) at P up to 25GPa and T in the range 220-2500K. Our results are applied to core dynamics and evolution inside Earth and other terrestrial planetary bodies (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Ganymede, Europa) as well as to tailoring charge transport in materials for applications.

Faculty Page

Séguin, Cheryle

Email: cheryle.seguin@schulich.wuo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x82977
Office: Dental Sciences Building, 0035A

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration and therapy, Biological evaluation

Dr. Cheryle Séguin obtained her BSc (1999) and MSc (2001, Dept of Anatomy and Cell Biology) from The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and her PhD in the area of cell biology and tissue engineering from the University of Toronto (2005, Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology). 

Following this, Dr. Séguin became a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Dr. Janet Rossant at the SickKids Hospital, working in the field of early mammalian development and stem cell biology. While at SickKids Hospital, Dr. Séguin assumed the role of Interim Manager and helped establish the Ontario Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Facility, an endeavour funded by the Ontario Ministry of Innovation.

In 2009, Dr. Séguin was recruited to the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. Dr Séguin’s has been recognized by the Canadian Arthritis Network Scholar Award (2009-2013) and the CIHR New Investigator Award (2014-2019).

Research in the Séguin lab is focused on understanding the pathways that regulate the fate and function of cells, with a particular emphasis on the intervertebral disc and spine pathologies.

Dr. Séguin’s research includes a number of interrelated projects that use novel genetic mouse strains, and in vivo and ex vivo model systems.

Sham, Tsun-Kong (T.K.)

Email: tsham@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86341
Office: Chemistry Building, 030A

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Materials synthesis and processing, Characterization of structure and properties, 

 centres on the experimental and theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of matter and its interplay with materials properties, materials performance in a designed functionality and spectroscopy. Emphasis is placed on nanomaterials in general and energy materials and nano carrier for drug delivery in particular. Major ongoing thrusts are (1) synthesis, assembly and characterization of nanomaterials and composites; (2) development and applications of synchrotron capabilities at the , a national facility in Saskatoon and the  at Argonne National Laboratory. Detailed description of research areas can be found at the research group homepage.

Faculty Page

Shieh, Sean

Email: sshieh@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-850-2467
Office: BGS 1066

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Sustainable resource extraction and production, characterization of structure and properties

Mineral physics; Material study under extreme P-T conditions; Elasticity, Structures and dynamics of the Earth's and planetary interiors; Characterization of materials (e.g. equation of state, phase transition, elasticity, strength, rheology) using synchrotron X-ray, Raman and IR spectroscopy; Exploration of novel and super-hard materials; Material-fluid interaction; high-pressure and high-temperature experiment using a diamond anvil cell.

Faculty Page

Shoesmith, David

Email: dwshoem@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86366
Office: ChB 018

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, Surface science and engineering

My primary research aim is to solve various industrial corrosion and environmental contamination problems. A recent focus has been the study of waste containers and waste forms for the disposal of high level nuclear wastes. The solution to such problems requires a combination of experimental and modelling approaches. Our experimental approach involves the application of a wide range of electrochemical techniques often under hostile conditions, such as high temperatures in the presence of aggressive environments. These methods are supplemented by various surface and near-surface analytical techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and Auger (AES) spectroscopies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and neutron reflectometry (NR). A judicious mixture of fundamental and applied experimentation is inevitably required. The nature of models varies from detailed deterministic process models to statistical/probabilistic and environmental performance assessment models.

Our studies have encompassed the range of detailed reactions (electrochemical, chemical, metallurgical, transport) which are embodied in complex localized corrosion processes such as crevice corrosion, pitting and hydrogen-induced cracking. The initiation of localized corrosion involves stochastic events determined by the combination of the exposure environment, the metallurgical properties of the specific material and the chemical and physical properties of the oxide films on the material's surface. The extent of corrosion damage subsequently sustained by the material can be described by a damage function, i.e., the relationship between the depth of corrosion penetration and the time of exposure to the environment. The cessation of localized corrosion involves repassivation events associated with fluctuations in local chemistry which allow the regrowth of protective oxides on the metal surface.

We are studying many of these processes on titanium and nickel alloys by monitoring and analyzing the current and potential signals generated during the onset of corrosion. A preliminary damage function has been developed for the crevice corrosion of titanium in the saline groundwaters anticipated in a Canadian nuclear waste disposal vault, and failure criteria developed for the hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) of titanium alloys. For nickel alloys , the effects of metallurgical and chemical features of the materials (e.g., the concentration and distribution of molybenum) will be a major focus of future research efforts.

The long-term corrosion resistance of many materials is determined by the protectiveness of the oxide films, which form on their surface. We are probing the nature of these films, and how they change with exposure to various environments, using techniques such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), neutron reflectometry and noise (signal) analysis. Future plans include the application of techniques such as atomic force microscopy and photoelectrochemistry, and the study of a wider range of industrially important materials applications.

On-going studies in modelling include a mixed potential model for nuclear fuel behaviour under waste disposal conditions and a performance assessment model for a carbon steel/nickel alloy dual wall container for disposal of nuclear waste in the United States. Future plans include models for HIC of titanium alloys and deterministic models for crevice corrosion.

Faculty Page

Song, Yang

Email: yang.song@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86310
Office: ChB 22

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Characterization of structure and properties

 is specialized in the investigation of molecular structures and materials properties under extreme conditions using spectroscopy and synchrotron techniques. Under extreme conditions, such as high pressures, molecular solids often exhibit novel structures and thus extraordinary properties, which are otherwise inaccessible at ambient conditions. High pressure significantly enhances intermolecular interactions and thus weakens chemical bonds. As a result, the optimization of internal energy associated with changes in molecular geometry and density often lead to new phenomena beyond our understanding. Our recent research thrusts are placed on several main themes with promising applications, including pressure-morphology tuning of one-dimensional nanomaterials, high-pressure development of hydrogen storage materials, structural and storage studies of metal-organic frameworks, and exploration of high energy density materials.

Our lab houses state-of-the-art apparatus dedicated to static high pressure research, including diamond anvil cells and accessories that allow variations in a broad pressure and temperature range, an ultrasensitive multi-source Raman microspectroscopy system, and a highly versatile customized FTIR microspectroscopy system. The high-brilliance 3rd synchrotron radiation facilities provide tremendous advantages for researchers to study the structures and properties of high pressure materials with unparalleled efficiency. Our group extensively employs synchrotron based techniques such as far-Infrared microspectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and x-ray spectroscopy using the most advanced facilities in several US national labs as well as Canadian Light Source.

Faculty Page

Sun, Andy (Xueliang)

Email: xsun@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x87759

Affiliated Research and Core Projects

Materials for sustainable energy, Materials synthesis and processing, Characterization of structure and properties, 

Dr. Sun’s research is focused on nanomaterials for clean energy. The scope of Sun’s research ranges from fundamental science, to applied nanotechnology, to emerging engineering issues - with a unifying theme centered upon development and application of novel nanomaterials for energy systems and devices. Specifically, his research activities are currently concentrated on developing various approaches to synthesize low-dimensional nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, semiconducting and metal nanowires, nanoparticles, thin films and their composites as well as exploring their applications as electrochemical electrodes for energy conversion and storage including fuel cells, Li-ion batteries and Li-Air batteries. 

Tutunea-Fatan, O. Remus

Email: rtutunea@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88289
Office: Chakma Engineering Building, 3462

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing



W - Z

Wood, J.T.

Email: jtwood@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-3482
Office: SEB 3061

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials for sustainable energy, Characterization of structure and properties

Dr. Wood's research is focused on the characterization and application of lightweight structural materials, primarily for automotive applications.  Current research projects include the development of process-structure-property relationships for die-cast magnesium alloys and understanding the factors that contribute to the enhanced toughness of polymer composites. 

Workentin, Mark

Email: mworkent@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86319
Office: ChB 223

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing

The @WorkentinChem Group’s focus is to address fundamental physical organic aspects of interfacial organic reactions and to utilize the knowledge gained to design and synthesize new materials and to demonstrate potential applications. Reactions of molecules in solution are supported by a well-developed set of methods from physical organic chemistry, but the reactions of molecules at the interface of materials are not as well understood. We design and synthesize organic molecular systems that undergo specific thermal, photochemical, or electrochemical reactions to serve as probes of the interfacial material environment. Once understood these reactions provide new platforms for selective surface modifications to build new architectures. A cornerstone of our efforts focuses on understanding the mechanistic factors that are unique to interfacial reactions on metal nanoparticle surfaces and carbonaceous material. The importance and motivation behind these studies lies in the utility of these types of functional materials in the development of value added products in nano-medicine, bio-imaging, drug delivery, molecular and biomolecular electronics, sensors, catalysis etc. Our studies examine fundamental factors that control surface reactivity and molecular interactions in these unique nanomaterials. We are addressing these issues by examining photoinduced, redox activated and thermal reactivity in terms of chemical properties (structure-reactivity relationships, conformational and orientation mobility) and physical properties (structure, order-disorder phenomena, reaction conditions). A complete understanding of these factors is essential for the rational design and control of any modified surface for a particular application.
To accomplish our goals, we recruit and train inquisitive and creative students at all levels (undergraduate B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.). These personnel master a broad spectrum of core chemical competencies in organic synthetic methods and analysis, inorganic and organic materials chemistry, the specialized techniques for their characterization as well as advanced skills in electrochemistry, photochemistry and materials chemistry. Ultimately, these trained HQP become the creative minds driving the future of Canadian science and innovation. Trained HQP from the group are award winning and have had a 100% professional placement over the last 12+ years.

Faculty Page

Wren, Clara

Email: jcwren@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86339
Office: ChB 016

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation, Computation, Surface science and engineering

My primary research aim is the application of chemical kinetics analysis and modelling to complex chemical systems of practical interest. The field of applied chemical kinetics has a wide range of practical applications, from environmental studies to industrial problems, such as the rate of ozone depletion in the atmosphere, containment transport in ground waters, chemical evolution of mine tailings, the rate of pipeline corrosion, etc. The solution to such problems lies in an integrated approach, combining experimental and modelling studies.

A primary focus is the study of the chemical reactions and transport phenomena occurring in ionizing radiation environments for nuclear safety and material integrity issues.  High radiation fields create a dynamic chemical environment, particularly in systems where water is present.  Radiolysis of water produces highly reactive radicals (•OH, •H, eaq-, •HO2 and •O2) and molecular species (H2, O2 and H2O2).  The reactions of these species are often responsible for the evolution of the chemistry and the degradation of the materials of nuclear reactor systems. 

Particular interests are: (a) the chemistry and transport phenomena in nuclear reactor containment buildings under postulated accident conditions, especially the volatility of radioiodine and the production of potentially explosive hydrogen, and: (b) the influence of redox conditions on materials in high temperature/pressure reactor coolant systems. These systems are kinetically complex because the radiolysis products are highly reactive and interact with a large number of chemical species and surfaces in a multiphase, geometrically complex engineered system.

Research topics to address these issues include: (a) the impact of dissolved trace metals and nitrogen-containing compounds on the radiolysis behaviour of water, (b) the effects of metal/metal oxide surfaces on radiolysis and redox chemistry, (c) radiation-induced reactions of iodine and organic compounds in aqueous solutions, (d) the interaction of gaseous iodine with, and accompanying iodine-assisted corrosion of, metals/metal oxides, and (e) mass and heat transport of iodine and water vapour through a charcoal bed under flow conditions.

The development of solutions to such complex problems requires a combination of experimental and modelling approaches. Our experimental approach includes irradiation of samples in a g-irradiation cell, the use of a radioactive iodine tracer (131I) accompanied by analysis using gamma spectrometry, and the use of standard chemical analytical techniques such as Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, UV-Vis. Spectroscopy, etc. For the study of surface reactions, these methods are supplemented by various electrochemical techniques (e.g., Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) and surface analysis methods (e.g., Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy).

Modelling approaches include the simulation of the chemical kinetics and transport processes occurring in laboratory-scale experiments and their expansion to the modelling of full-scale systems. The coupled rate equations of the processes are solved using commercially available numerical integration software such as FACSIMILE and FEMLAB. For a given system, comprehensive mechanistic models are first developed. Parametric and sensitivity analyses of the comprehensive models are then used to develop simpler models for practical applications. The creation and validation of practical models is a sophisticated exercise in chemical kinetic analysis.

Faculty Page

Zhang, Jin

Email: jzhang@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88322
Office: TEB 465

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Materials synthesis and processing, 

Dr. Zhang’s expertise and research interests include the design, processing, surface modification, and characterization of nanocomposites for the applications in the fields of bioengineering and sustainable energy.

The goal of the Multifunctional Nanocomposites Lab (MNL) led by Dr. Zhang at 深夜福利站 is to develop multifunctional nanomaterials used for advanced biomedical devices. To achieve the goal, the Zhang group is dedicated to the study on the surface and interface of hybrid nanomaterials, and the interaction between nanomaterials and biological systems.

Currently, the research activities of the Zhang group focus on developing advanced nanomaterials with enhanced chemical, magnetic, and optical properties. Three research directions in the Zhang group include (1) multifunctional nanocomposites-processing & properties, (2) targeted drug delivery, and (3) protein and chemical sensor.

Recently, Zhang is rewarded by the  for her research work on "Non-invasive Diagnostic Tool for Diabetes".

Dr. Zhang holds cross appointments with the Department of Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering, and Medical Biophysics, at 深夜福利站.

Zhou, Wenxing

Email: wzhou@eng.uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x87931
Office: CMLP 1303

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Understanding materials degradation

Dr. Wenxing Zhou's expertise is on structural reliability and risk assessments, Bayesian analysis, fracture mechanics, and design and integrity management of oil and gas pipelines. He teaches courses on structural mechanics and capstone design projects at the undergraduate level, and on the design and assessment of energy pipelines as well as advanced structural dynamics at the graduate level.

Zhu, Jesse

Email: jzhu@uwo.ca 
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83807
Office: TEB 453

Affiliated Research and Core Projects
Ultrafine powder technologies, corrosion resistant coatings, antifouling and antimicrobial coatings, pulmonary drug delivery

Dr. Jesse Zhu is a Distinguished University Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, at 深夜福利站. He is also a Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, Engineering Institute of Canada and the Chemical Institute of Canada, and a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario (PEO). His current research activities include circulating fluidized bed riser and downer reactors, fluidization and handling of fine and ultrafine powders, (ga -)liquid-solid circulating fluidized beds with applications for chemical and biochemical processes and wastewater treatment, gasification of biomass and solid wastes and biomass co-firing. Current work has also utilized ultrafine powder technologies in development of novel pharmaceutical processing techniques and the development of dry powder coating systems. For example, the results have been utilized for the precise metering and dispensing of very small dosage of ultrafine pharmaceutical powders for pulmonary drug delivery, and for the uniform spraying of fine paint powders for surface coating processes. The drug dispensing technology provides the only dry method that can handle ultrafine drug powders (1-5 microns) in a very small quantity (20-500 microgram doses), without the use of excipients. The ultrafine powder coating technology produces surface quality comparable to that of liquid paint, something that has not been achieved by anyone before in the coating industry.
