About Us
For more information regarding research activities at CAMBR, feel free to contact us at egillie@uwo.ca.
CAMBR Operating Committee
The CAMBR Operating Committee is comprised of representatives from participating faculties who provide leadership and direction for the centre. The current members are:
Elizabeth Gillies
Email Elizabeth Gillies
Material Science Addition, Rm. 3202
519 661-2111 ext 80223Synthesis of biomaterials; nanomaterials; biodegradable polymers; dendrimers; drug delivery; imaging contrast agents; self-assembly
Dr. Gillies’ research involves the design, synthesis and application of functional molecules. The molecules of interest can range from well-defined oligomers and dendrimers to higher molecular weight polymers. In particular, the group is interested in the interactions of these molecules and their supramolecular assemblies with biological systems to serve as new biomaterials and therapeutics. For example, polymer assemblies may be used as nanocontainers to control the localization within the body of therapeutics ranging from small molecules to proteins and DNA. They may also serve as new scaffolds to display biological ligands, thereby providing new therapeutics or materials for tissue engineering. We are also investigating polymers that degrade by novel mechanisms in response to biological stimuli in order to achieve an unprecendented level of control over the polymer degradation process. Research is also underway to develop new contrast agents for medical imaging.
Zhifeng Ding
Email Zhifeng Ding
Material Science Addition, Rm 0203
Scanning Probe Microscopies, spectroelectrochemistry and other instrumental analyses: toward optoelectronic, biological, pharmaceutical and environmental applications.
Dr. Ding’s research group is applying modern analytical methods such as electrochemistry, spectroscopy and microscopy to multidisciplinary research. His team specializes in the development and applications of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), Raman microspectroscopy (RMS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), near-field scanning optic microscopy (NSOM), electrochemiluminescence (ECL), and their combination. He is applying these techniques to cell imaging, electroluminescence and the development solar cells.
Roberta Flemming
Biological and Geological Sciences Building, Rm. 0172
519 661-2111 ext 83143
Planetary Materials
Dr. Roberta Flemming is an Associate Dr. in the Department of Earth Sciences, and Director of the Powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD) and micro X-ray diffraction (μXRD) Facility (since 2001). She specializes in Earth and planetary mineralogy, studying mineral structure and cation ordering, and as functions of pressure, temperature and composition. She also measures/calibrates strain and strain-related mosaicity in minerals which have undergone tectonic deformation or have been shocked by meteorite impact. She studies minerals from the Earth’s mantle and a variety of meteorites (e.g., chondrites, achondrites, martians), as well as synthetic analogues. Minerals of interest include spinel-group minerals, olivine, clinopyroxene, kimberlite indicator minerals (e.g., garnet), and diamond. She collaborates to study natural glasses, clay minerals and natural zeolites.
Lauren Flynn
Email Lauren Flynn
Dental Sciences Building, Rm 00061A
519-661-2111 ext 87226
Bioengineering & Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials & Scaffolds, Molecular & Cell Biology, Skin Disorders & Wound Healing
Dr. Flynn’s research interests focus on the development of cell-based regenerative approaches with adipose-derived stem/stromal cells (ASCs) and naturally-derived bioscaffolds for applications in musculoskeletal tissue regeneration (adipose tissue, intervertebral disc, cartilage, ligament), therapeutic angiogenesis, and wound healing. Her lab has specific expertise in the design of biomaterials derived from the extracellular matrix (ECM) of decellularized tissues as tissue-specific, cell-instructive scaffolds. In particular, Dr. Flynn holds patents related to novel biomaterials fabricated from decellularized adipose tissue (DAT) and is working towards the commercialization of her DAT technologies for use in soft tissue reconstruction and augmentation, as well as for the treatment of chronic wounds.
Trent Gordon
Biomedical Engineering MESc Student
Mikko Karttunen
Email Mikko Karttunen
ChB 074
519 661-2111 ext 86335
Dr. Karttunen's research focuses on the properties of biological & soft matter using theory and the methods of computational chemistry and physics. Typical systems are at the interface between materials science, biology & biomedical sciences. I am interested in problems such as lipid diffusion, sterols, bacterial toxins, membrane proteins, antibiotics, translocation of DNA, peptides and sugars. Dr. Karttunen is also working on magnetic materials, pattern formation and non-equilibrium dynamics.
Kibret Mequanint
Email Kibret Mequanint
Thompson Engineering Building, 439
519 661-2111 ext 88573
Dr. Kibret Mequanint is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at 深夜福利站. His research is in the fields of Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine interfacing polymer science, materials and chemical engineering, and life sciences. Over the past 20 years, his work spanned both fundamental understandings and translational research in cell-material interactions, the design of novel polymer biomaterials for medical devices, and therapeutic radiation dosimeters. Some of his technologies are licensed to companies.
Dr. Mequanint is both a dedicated teacher and a leading scholar - winning major teaching and research awards. From 2015-2018, he served as co-chair of . Dr. Mequanint is a Fellow of the , a member of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS), and the Canadian Biomaterials Society (CBS). He served Associate Chair (Undergraduate) (2008-2014), Acting Department Chair (2014-2015), and Graduate Chair (2015-2016). He also served at the University Senate (2013-2017), and currently serving at the Board of Governors (2016-2020).
John Ronald
Email John Ronald
RRI 2241A
As we enter this era of more personalized and precise medicine, new technologies are needed that can sensitively, accurately and non-invasively detect molecular activities within the body over the course of an individual’s entire life. Dr. Ronald's lab's research focuses on pioneering novel molecular and cellular imaging technologies that will hopefully meet these needs. They have a particular interest on improved early cancer detection, as well as improved monitoring of state-of-the-art gene-based and cell-based therapies for cancer and other diseases. To accomplish this they are investigating the development of novel molecular biology platforms that strategically integrates disease-specific activatable expression systems with both biofluid-based and multimodality imaging readouts. This work is at the interface of molecular and cell biology, imaging sciences, and nanomedicine and requires a multidisciplinary approach to devise innovative solutions to some of today’s most difficult biomedical problems.
Andy Sun
Email Andy Sun
Spenser Engineering Building
519 661-2111 ext 87759Nanomaterials, fuel cells, Li ion batteries, Li-Air batteries
Dr. Sun’s research is focused on nanomaterials for clean energy. The scope of Sun’s research ranges from fundamental science, to applied nanotechnology, to emerging engineering issues - with a unifying theme centered upon development and application of novel nanomaterials for energy systems and devices. Specifically, his research activities are currently concentrated on developing various approaches to synthesize low-dimensional nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, semiconducting and metal nanowires, nanoparticles, thin films and their composites as well as exploring their applications as electrochemical electrodes for energy conversion and storage including fuel cells, Li-ion batteries and Li-Air batteries.
Jun Yang
Email Jun Yang
Alexander Charles Spencer Engineering Building, Rm. 3089
519 661-2111 ext 80158Nanomaterials for Electronics, Bio and Environment: conductive polymer composite, functional surface engineering and antimicrobial/anti-biofouling materials
Dr. Yang’s lab focuses on developing functional materials and surfaces using green technologies. Specific applications include conductive polymer nanocomposites for flexible electronics, functional membranes for filtration and functional surfaces for antimicrobial/anti-biofouling purposes.