Recent Publications
- "Oppositions and Paradoxes Philosophical Perplexities in Science and Mathematics" John L. Bell, Broadview Press, April 2016.
- "Beyond Biofatalism: Human Nature for an Evolving World" Gillian Barker, Columbia University Press, October 2015.
- "Rights, Loss, and Compensation in the Law of Torts," 69 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) (2015): 135-164.
- Review of Ernest Weinrib's Corrective Justice, Mind 123 (2014): 966-970.
- "A Hague Convention on Contract Pregnancy (or 'Surrogacy'): Avoiding Ethical Inconsistencies with the Convention on Adoption" (with C. McLeod), International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7:2 (2014): 219-235.
- "Reconciling the Principled Approach to Hearsay with the Rule of Law," 65 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) (2014): 145-168.
- "Not For the Faint of Heart: Assessing the Status Quo on Adoption and Parental Licensing" (with Carolyn McLeod), in F. Baylis and C. McLeod, eds., Family Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges (Oxford: OUP, 2014): 151-167.
- Kant and Rational Psychology (Oxford University Press, 2014).
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Reid’s Account of the Geometry of Visibles: Some Lessons from Helmholtz,” Topoi (2015): DOI: 10.1007/s11245-015-9337-0; print: forthcoming.
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Hume on the Idea of a Vacuum,” Hume Studies 39 (2013): 131-168. (Appeared in Spring of 2015)
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Reid’s response to Hume’s perceptual relativity argument,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 Supplement 1: New Essays on Reid (2011/2014): 25-49. (Published in 2014 with a publication date of 2014, but indexed under the 2011 volume.) DOI:10.1080/00455091.2014.897481
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Berkeley on Situation and Inversion” in Patricia Easton and Kurt Smith (ed) The Battle of the Gods and Giants Redux: Essays in honor of Thomas M. Lennon (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 300-323, DOI: 10.1163/9789004305922_016.
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Hume and the Contemporary “Common Sense” Critique of Hume,” in Paul Russell (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Hume. Published online Aug. 2014; print edition forthcoming summer of 2015. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199742844.013.11
- Lorne Falkenstein, “The Ideas of Space and Time and Spatial and Temporal Ideas in Treatise 1.2,” in Donald C. Ainslie and Annemarie Butler (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Hume’s Treatise (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 31-68.
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Theories of Perception I: Berkeley and his recent predecessors,” in Aaron Garrett (ed), The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth Century Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2014) 338-359.
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Theories of Perception II: After Berkeley,” in Aaron Garrett (ed), The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth Century Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2014) 360-380.
- Lorne Falkenstein, “Hume’s Seneca reference in Dialogues 12: An assessment of alternatives,” Hume Studies 38 (2012): 101-104. Appeared in fall of 2014.
- The publication of The Language of Nature, edited by Benjamin Hill et al. in the Minnesota Series in the Philosophy of Science is scheduled for May 2016.
- “Reference and Experimental Semantics.” Edouard Machery and Elizabeth O’Neill (eds.): Current Controversies in Experimental Philosophy. New York. Routledge (2014): 17-26.
- “For the Disunity of Semantics.” Mind & Language, 29/4 (2014): 485-489.
- “Reference without Cognition.” Andrea Bianchi (ed.): Reference. Oxford University Press (2015).
- “General terms, hybrid theories and ambiguity. A discussion of some experimental results.”
- Jussi Haukioja (ed.). Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Language. London. Bloomsbury (2015).
Edited books
- with Manuel García-Carpintero: Empty Representations. Reference and Non-Existence. Oxford University Press (2014).
Edited Collections:
- Baylis, F. and C. McLeod, eds. Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- McLeod, C. and J. Downie, eds. Let Conscience Be Their Guide? Conscientious Refusals in Health Care. Special issue of Bioethics 28(1), 2014.
- McLeod, C. “Trust,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward N. Zalta, revised 2015, 2011; originally published 2006, URL =
- McLeod, C., and A. Botterell. “A Hague Convention on Contract Pregnancy (or ‘Surrogacy’): Avoiding Ethical Inconsistencies with the Convention on Adoption,” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7(1), 2014: 219-235.
- Shaw, J., J. Downie, and C. McLeod. “Moving Forward With a Clear Conscience: A Model Conscientious Objection Policy for Canadian Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons,” Health Law Review 21(3), 2014: 28-32.
- Kantymir, L. and C. McLeod. “Justification for Conscience Exemptions in Health Care,” Bioethics, Special Issue, ed. C. McLeod and J. Downie, 28(1), 2014: 16-23.
Book Chapters:
- McLeod, C. and C. Fitzgerald. “Conscientious Refusal and Access to Abortion and Contraception.” Routledge Companion to Bioethics. Ed. J. Arras, E. Fenton, and R. Kukla. New York, NY: Routledge, 2015. pp. 343-356.
- McLeod, C. and A. Botterell. “’Not for the Faint of Heart’: Accessing the Status Quo on Adoption and Parental Licensing.” In Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges. Ed. F. Baylis and C. McLeod. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2014. pp. 151-167.
- Mendelovici, Angela & Bourget, David (2014). Naturalizing Intentionality: Tracking Theories Versus Phenomenal Intentionality Theories. Philosophy Compass 9 (5):325-337.
- Bourget, David & Mendelovici, Angela (2014). Tracking Representationalism. In Andrew Bailey (ed.), Philosophy of Mind: The Key Thinkers. Continuum 209-235.
- Mendelovici, Angela (2014). Pure Intentionalism About Moods and Emotions. In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. Routledge 135-157.
- Mendelovici, Angela (2014). Review of Dominic Gregory's Showing, Seeming, and Sensing. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
- M. P. Müller and M. Pastena, A generalization of majorization that characterizes Shannon entropy, IEEE Trans. Inf. Th. 62(4), 1711-1720 (2016)
- M. Lostaglio, M. P. Müller, and M. Pastena, Stochastic independence as a resource in small-scale thermodynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 150402 (2015) [Editor’s Suggestion (only 1 in 6 is chosen)]
- M. P. Müller, E. Adlam, Ll. Masanes, and N. Wiebe, Thermalization and canonical typicality in translation-invariant quantum lattice systems, Commun. Math. Phys. 340(2), 499-561 (2015)
- H. Barnum, J. Barrett, M. Krumm, and M. P. Müller, Entropy, majorization, and thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 195 (2015)
- M. P. Müller and Ll. Masanes, Information-theoretic postulates for quantum theory, in “Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils”, G. Chiribella and R. W. Spekkens (editors), Springer, 2016.
- “Children's Well-being: A Philosophical Analysis”, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-being, ed. Guy Fletcher (London: Routledge, 2015), 366-377.
- “Utilitarianism, Welfare, Children”, The Nature of Children's Well-being: Theory and Practice, eds. Alexander Bagattini and Colin Macleod (New York: Springer, 2014), 85-103.
- “Singer, Peter (1946-)”, The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, ed. Michael Gibbons (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014), 3454-3455. (Refereed)
- “On Henry Sidgwick's 'My Station and its Duties'”, Ethics 125 (2014), 586-591.
- Review of J. B. Schneewind Essays on the History of Moral Philosophy, Mind (forthcoming).
- Review of Terence Irwin The Development of Ethics: A Historical and Critical Study. Volume III: From Kant to Rawls, The Philosophical Review 124 (2015), 279-286.
- Margaret Cameron and Robert J. Stainton (2015) Linguistic Content. Oxford University Press.
- (2016) Response to Commentary on Stabilizing constructs through collaboration across different research fields as a way to foster the integrative approach of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- (2016) Stabilizing constructs through collaboration across different research fields as a way to foster the integrative approach of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- (2015) “Qualitative Assessment of Self-Identity in Advanced Dementia”, Sadvhi Bahtra, Jacqueline Sullivan, Beverly Williams, David Geldmacher. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. doi: 10.1177/1471301215601619
- (2016) “Neuroscientific Kinds Through the Lens of Scientific Practice” to appear in Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice, Catherine Kendig (ed.), New York: Routledge, pp. 47-56.
- Binik A, Weijer C. Why the debate over minimal risk needs to be reconsidered. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2014; 39(4): 387-405.
- Sheehan M, Timlin C, Peach K, Binik A, Puthenparampil W, Lodge M, Kehoe S, Brada M, Burnet N, Clarke S, Crellin A, Dunn M, Fossati P, Harris S, Hocken M, Hope T, Ives J, Kamada T, London AJ, Miller R, Parker M, Pijls-Johannesma M, Savulescu J, Short S, Skene L, Tsujii H, Tuan J, Weijer C. Position statement on ethics, equipoise and research on charged particle therapy. Journal of Medical Ethics 2014; 40(8): 572–575.
- Vanstone M, Goldszmidt M, Watling C, Weijer C, Lingard L. Resigned professionalism? Non-acute inpatients and resident education. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2014; 19(4): 529–539.
- Peterson A, Cruse D, Naci L, Weijer C, Owen AM. Diagnostic error, risk and the clinical science of consciousness. Neuroimage Clinical 2015; 7: 588-597.
- Taljaard M, Weijer C, Grimshaw JM. Ethical implications of cluster randomized trials. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.) 2015: 897–905.
- Graham M, Weijer C, Cruse D, Fernandez-Espejo D, Gofton T, Gonzalez-Lara L, Lazosky A, Naci L, Norton L, Peterson A, Speechley KN, Young B, Owen AM. An ethics of welfare for behaviorally nonresponsive patients with covert awareness. AJOB Neuroscience 2015; 6(2): 31–41.
- Graham M, Weijer C, Peterson A, Naci L, Cruse D, Fernández-Espejo D, Gonzalez-Lara L, Owen AM. Acknowledging awareness: Informing families of individual research results for patients in vegetative states. Journal of Medical Ethics 2015; 41: 534–538.
Book chapter:
- Weijer C, Miller PB, Graham M. The duty of care and equipoise in randomized controlled trials. In: Arras JD, Kukla R, Fenton E (eds.). Routledge Companion to Bioethics. Routledge: New York, 2015: pp. 200–214.
- “The Secret Life of Crabs,” Grain Magazine 43.1 (2015): 63
- Madeline Bassnett, “Gifts of Fruit and Marriage Feasts in Mary Wroth’s Urania,” Re-Reading Mary Wroth, ed. Katherine R. Larson and Naomi J. Miller with Andrew Strycharski (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 157-168.
Books and Parts of Books:
- (Part of book) “Dante Gabriel Rossetti,” The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature, ed. Dino Franco Felluga, Pamela K. Gilbert, and Linda K. Hughes (London: Blackwell Publishing, 2015): 1477-83.
- (Part of book) “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante,” Dante and the Christian Imagination, ed. Domenico Pietropaolo (New York, London, and Toronto: Legas, 2015): 165-82.
- (Part of book) “The Poetry of the Canoe: William Douw Lighthall’s Songs of the Great Dominion,” Anthologizing Canadian Literature: Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives, ed. Robert Lecker (Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015): 79-106.
- Scribe: Archibald Lampman and Episkopon. A Facsimile Edition, ed. with an Introduction and notes. London: Canadian Poetry Press, 2015. xxxii + 203pp.
- (Part of book) “British Poets, Classical Myths, Canadian Locations,” The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature, ed. Cynthia Sugars (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015): 277-94.
- (Part of book) “Reflections on the Situation and Study of Canadian Literature in the Long Confederation Period,” Home Ground and Foreign Territory: Essays on Early Canadian Literature, ed. Janice Fiamengo, Reappraisals of Canadian Writers (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2014): 17-43.
- Archibald Lampman, Untitled Fragment of a Novel, ed. with an Introduction and annotations, Post-Confederation Poetry: Texts and Contexts (London: Canadian Poetry Press, 2014), xxvi + 54 pp.
- (Part of book) “Ted Goodden’s Ridgway Series: Some Aesthetic and Regional Contexts,” (Re)imagining Regionalism, ed. Joel Faflak and Sky Gladbush (London: McIntosh Gallery Curatorial Study Centre, 2014), 85-97, with 4 b/w illustrations.
- (Part of book) “Canada,” The Fin-de-Siècle World, ed. Michael Saler, Routledge Worlds (London and New York: Routledge, 2015), 213-25.
- By Necessity and Indirection: Essays on Modernism in Canadian Literature (Ottawa: Tecumseh Press, 2015), 364pp.
- “Rummagings 16: Duncan Campbell Scott’s Review of The Ninth Vibration, and Other Stories by L. Adams Beck,” Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews 16 (Spring/Summer 2015): 5-11.
- “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘For an Annunciation, Early German’: Einfühlung, Inspiration, and Significance,” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, NS 24 (Fall 2015): 35-46.
- “Rummagings 17: The Literary History of Canada and the Literary History of the United States,” Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews 77 (Fall/Winter 2015): 5-8.
- ‘“Allegoriz[ing] on One’s Own Hook: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s King Arthur and the Weeping Queen’s,” Pre-Raphaelite Society Newsletter of the United States 43 (Summer 2016): 1, 4, including 1 b/w llustration/
- “Rummagings, 15: Thomas Cary’s Work for the ‘Peace and Good Order of a Well-Regulated Society’,” Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews 74 (Spring/Summer 2014): 5-11.
- “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s The Blue Closet and The Tune of Seven Towers,” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, NS 23 (Fall 2014): 29-43.
- “Op-ed, The Importance of an Arts Education,” Gazette (深夜福利站), 15 September 2015, 6 and numerous Facebook and websites in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere.
- Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews 76 (Spring/Summer 2015), 112pp. __________. 77 (Fall/Winter 2015), 110pp.
- “Fantasy Ladies”: Female Performers and Actresses in Qurratulain Hyder’s “The Missing Photograph” Vol 10. 1 (2016).
- "Provincializing English,” Globalizing Indian English Drama", (Postcolonial Text. Vol. 10, Nos 3 and 4, 2015)
- "Bollywood Shakespeare." Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press. (January 2016)
- "Revisiting the Theatre of the Komagata Maru.” Studies in Canadian Literature. 40.1, 2015: 27-44.
- “The Global Village of the Damned: A Counter-Narrative for the Post-War Child,” Narrative 24.2 (2016): 156-173.
- “First, Offence”, ESC: English Studies in Canada 41.2-3 (2015): 22-25. /li>
- Chambers, M. (2015, September 10) Mountain bike racing puts life on track Toronto Star Retrieved from
- Chambers, M. (2015, August 20) Why I started mountain bike racing at age 42 Toronto Star Retrieved from
- Chambers, M. (2015, April 17) Made-for-the-Movies Destinations Outside Magazine Retrieved from
- “Like a Bat” and “Trash Fish”, The New Quarterly, Issue 137: A Good Polemic is Hard to Find (2016).
- “Constructing ‘Canadian Literature’: A Retrospective.” Cynthia Sugars, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature. New York: Oxford UP, 2016. 17-40.
- “Autodestruction in Lebanon: The Testimonial Uncanny and the Birth of Knowledge in Walid Raad’s The Atlas Group”, (Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. No. 33. 2015: 53-74)
- "In/Hospitable ‘Aboriginalities’ in Contemporary Indigenous Women’s Writing”. The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature. Forthcoming. Ed. Cynthia Sugars. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
- “Time Will Tell”. Rampike, 24:1 (2015). 5.
- Readings Anthologies.” Robert Lecker, ed. Anthologizing Canadian Literature: Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2016. 271-78.
- Ashland, Kentucky, Northern Frights: Volume 1, ed. Don Hutchison, (Chizine Publications, October 2015)
- The Women Who is the Midnight Wind, (Open Road Integrated Media. New York)
- Female Rebellion in Young adult Dystopian Fiction_; my co-editors are Sara K. Day and Amy L. Montz. The book was published by Ashgate.
- Fresh Strange Music: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Language, (Montreal & Kingston: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2015)
- European Journal of American Studies "Transnational Approaches to North American Regionalism": Issue 9.3 (2014). The title of the article is "Constructing a New Regionality: Daphne Marlatt and Writing the West Coast"
- "A 'notable newe Italionisme': Providence, Plague, and the Final Words of the Criminally Condemned in The Unfortunate Traveller." The Criminal Humanities: An Introduction (edited by Michael Arntfield and Marcel Danesi) pgs. 11-36. Peter Lang Publishing Inc. March 2016.
- Healthcare Writing: A Practical Guide to Professional Success (Broadview, 2016), co-authored with Michael Arntfield.
- Co-edited Shakespeare and Textual Studies (Cambridge University Press, November 2015)
- John Leonard “The Value of Milton” Cambridge University Press (2016).
- John Leonard, “Milton, the Long Restoration, and Pope’s Iliad,” in Milton and the Long Restoration, ed. Ann Baynes Coiro and Blair Hoxby, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 447-64.
- Co-editor, Mind, Body, Motion, Matter: Eighteenth-Century British and French Literary Perspectives (University of Toronto Press, 2016)
- “Rethinking Superstition: Pagan Ritual in Lafitau’s Moeurs des sauvages” in Alison Conway and Mary Helen McMurran, eds., Philosophical Turns: Eighteenth-Century Literature and Thought (University of Toronto Press, 2016)
- “You Should Write My Life Story”. Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Sunday Stories. March 2016
- “When the World Ends”. QWERTY, No. 33. New Brunswick, December 2015.
- Your Poem Should Have Four Legs”, Geist Magazine, Summer 2015
- The Bed”, Matrix Magazine
- This is Not a Sexy Dream”, The Week Shall Inherit the Verse
- Pardon Me”, 300 Hours a Minute, Desert Pets Press
- The Purpose Pitch Mansfield Press, 'a stuart ross book' (2015) 96 pages ISBN 978-1-77126-069-5
- Erica Leighton and Mario Longtin, "‘L’exemple des angres / Þe exempil of angellis’: A French Tract on Heraldry and its Scots Translation," Nottingham Medieval Studies 59 (2015): 113-156.
- “Queer Prolepsis and the Sexual Commons: An Introduction.” Research in African Literatures 47. 2 (Summer 2016): vii-xxiii.
- “Micro-politics of Buttocks: The Queer Intimacies of Chinua Achebe.” Research in African Literatures 47. 2 (Summer 2016): 162-185.
- “Slavery, Death, and the Village: Localizing Imperatives of Nigerian Writing”. University of Toronto Quarterly, 84.4 (Fall 2015): 131:152
- Hostile Witnesses and Queer Life in Kenyan Prison Writing.Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies. (2015): 1- 15
- “Dispersed Are We: Voice as Technology in Between the Acts,” Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 85.1 (Spring 2016): 23-25.
- “Jigging away in nothingness”: Knowledge, Language, and Feminine Jouissance in “Bliss” and “Psychology,” Katherine Mansfield and Psychology, Eds. Clare Hanson, Gerri Kimber, W. Todd Martin. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U P (September 2016): 100-112.
RUSSELL POOLE (Professor Emeritus)
- 2016. “Pleasure in the gold cup: a skaldic affirmation?” In Frederic Amory in Memoriam. Old Norse-Icelandic studies. Ed. John Lindow and George Clark. Wildcat Canyon Advanced Seminars, Occasional Monographs, 2. Berkeley: Wildcat Canyon Advanced Seminars, 44-68. (Essay)
- 2016. “Identity Poetics among the Icelandic Skalds.” In New Norse Studies. Essays on the Literature and Culture of Medieval Scandinavia. Islandica 58. Ed. Jeff Turco. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Pp. 143-84. (Article)
- 2016. Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 11 (2015). (Edited journal)
- 2015. Egil, the Viking Poet. New approaches to Egil’s Saga. Ed. L. De Looze, Jón K. Helgason, R. Poole, and Torfi H. Tulinius. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Co-edited book)
- 2015. “Egil, the Viking Poet. New approaches to Egil’s Saga.” In Egil, the Viking Poet. New approaches to Egil’s Saga. Ed. L. De Looze, Jón K. Helgason, R. Poole, and Torfi H. Tulinius. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 3-20. (Essay)
- Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 10 (2014). (Edited journal)
- “Autobiographical Memory in medieval Scandinavia and amongst the Kievan Rus’.” In Minni and Muninn. Memory in Medieval Nordic Culture. Ed. Pernille Hermann, Agnes Arnórsdóttir, and Stephen Mitchell. Turnholt: Brepols. Pp. 109-29.
- “Gunnlaugr Leifsson’s uses in Merlínússpá of twelfth-century English sources additional to the De gestis Britonum of Geoffrey of Monmouth”, in Eddic, Skaldic, and Beyond: Poetic Variety in Medieval
- Iceland and Norway, ed. Martin Chase. New York: Fordham University Press. Pp. 16-30.
- Plug, Jan. “They Have All Been Healed: Reading Robert Walser” Northwestern University Press. 2016.
- Purkis, James. Shakespeare and Manuscript Drama Canon, Collaboration and Text. Cambridge University Press. June 2016.
- William Godwin, Mandeville: A Tale of the Seventeenth Century in England. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2015. Pp. 526. [includes Introduction of 36pp., notes, appendices]
Special Issues edited:
- (ed. with Sean J. McGrath), “Schelling After Theory,” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19:1 (2015): 1-197.
Articles in Journals and Book Collections:
- "Evolution and its Resistances: Transferences Between Disciplines in Hegel's and Schelling's Systems." Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19:1 (2015): 153-175.
- (with Sean J. McGrath), “Introduction: Schelling After Theory.” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19:1 (2015): 1-12.
- Blake’s Body Without Organs: The Autogenesis of the System in the Lambeth Books.” European Romantic Review 26:3 (2015): 357-66.
- Smooth and Tangled Systems: Philosophy as Metadiscipline in German Idealism.” Romanticism and the Philosophical Tradition. Ed. Thomas Constantinesco and Sophie Laniel-Musitelli. Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2015. 19-43.
- Smooth and Tangled Systems: Philosophy as Metadiscipline in German Idealism.” Romanticism and Knowledge. Ed. Stefanie Fricke, Felicitas Meifert-Meinhard, Katharina Pink. Trier: Wisssenchsftlicher Verlag, 2015. 37-54.
- The Gothic Matrix: Shelley Between the Symbolic and Romantic.” Percy Shelley and the Delimitation of the Gothic. Ed. David Brookshire. Romantic Praxis (November 2015). [27 paragraphs; 8263 words]. .
- Unspacing: The Architecture of Poetry in Shelley’s Alastor and Keats’ The Fall of Hyperion.” SEL: Studies in English Literature 55:4 (2015): 787-816.
- Models for Systems in Idealist Encyclopedics: The Circle, the Line and The Body.” Romantic Systems. Ed. Mark Canuel. Romantic Praxis (March 2016). [44 paragraphs; 15,120 words]
- The Ecology of Modernism: American Environments and Avant–Garde Poetics (University of Alabama Press, October 15 2015).
- Pity and Poetics in Chaucer’s Legend of Good Women” PMLA, Volume 130, Number 5, October 2015, pp. 1302–1317 (16).
- “Asemic Writing: Backwards into the Future” Marshall McLuhan and Vilém Flusser’s Communication and Aesthetic Theories Revisited, ed. Melentie Pandilovski and Tom Kohut (Winnipeg: Videopool, 2015). 183-202
- eds.) Bridging the Gaps Between Celebrity and Media, Waterhill Publishing. February 2016
- “The Power of Celebrity Culture and its Response to Rape and Sexual Violence against Women in Post- 2012 India.” Bridging the Gaps Between Celebrity and Media, Waterhill Publishing. (February 2016)
- Theatre & Feminism Kim Solga, Palgrave Macmillan, October 2015.
- “Taking the Measure of Nuit Blanche”, Canadian Theatre Review (issue 163, Summer 2015).
- “Beatrice Joanna and the Rhetoric of Rape.” Vanguard Performance Beyond Left and Right. Ed. Kimberly Jannarone. Ann Arbor: U Michigan P, 2015. (Refereed)
- “Playing The Changeling Architecturally.” Performing Environments: Site Specificity in Medieval & Early Modern English Drama. Ed. Susan Bennett and Mary Polito. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2014. 56-76. (Refereed)
- “Meet Me at the Border: Theatre Replacement’s BIOBOXES.” Theatres of Affect. Ed. Erin Hurley. Toronto: Playwrights Canada, 2014. 171-91. (Not refereed)
- “What Are You Reading?” Invited Review Essay. Featuring reviews of Crary, 24/7; Berlant, Cruel Optimism, and Harvie, Fair Play. Theatre Survey 55.3 (2014): 393-7.
- “What Feminists Do Ruff.” Rev. of Ruff, by Peggy Shaw and Lois Weaver. Performance Research 18.6 (2014): 135-7.
- Female Piety and the Invention of American Puritanism, (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2016)
- Wenaus, Andrew. "Satire, Anxiety, and Prospect in The Caterer." Steve Aylett: A Critical Anthology. Ed. Bill Ectric and D. Harlan Wilson, Sein und Werden, 2016, pp. 85-106.
- Wenaus, Andrew. "Built for Man's Absence: The Speculative Turn and J.G. Ballard's Extro-Science Fiction." Deep Ends: The J.G. Ballard Anthology 2016. Ed. Rick McGrath, The Terminal Press, 2016, pp. 188-195.
- “monstrorum artifex: Uncanny Narrative Contexture and Narcissism in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.” The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies. Issue 13 (2014): 57-76.
- “Anxiety in Stereo: Les Baxter’s Space Escapade, Armchair Tourism, Polar Inertia, and Being-in-a-World.” Journal of Popular Music Studies 26.4 (2014): 488-506.
Book review:
- “Preliminaries of Repair.” Germany: A Science Fiction. Laurence A. Rickels. Fort Wayne: Anti-Oedipus Press, 2015. 269 pp. ISBN 9780989239189. Extrapolation 56.2 (2015).
- Adamson, Melitta Weiss.“Daz buoch von guoter spise Das erste Kochbuch in deutscher Sprache im Auftrag von Michael de Leone,” in Edelsteine: 121 Sternstunden deutscher Sprache - vom Nibelungenlied bis Einstein, von Mozart bis Loriot, eds. Max Behland, Walter Krämer and Reiner Pogarell, 2nd edition (Paderborn: IFB Verlag Deutsche Sprache GmbH, 2016), 87-92.
- Adamson, Melitta. “Illusion Food East and West” at East and West at the Table: Food and Cultural Exchange in the Middle Ages, Second International Symposium of Mens et Mensa: Society for the Study of Food in the Middle Ages, Brescia University College, London, Ontario, 30 October 2015
- Adamson, Melitta Weiss. “mich dunkcht ez sein knöllell: Von den Mühen eines bayrischen Übersetzers mittelalterlicher Fachliteratur,” Fachtexte des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit: Tradition und Perspektiven der Fachprosa- und Fachsprachenforschung, ed. Lenka Vankova (Lingua Historica Germanica, vol. 7) (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2014), 143-154.
- “Vom Arzneibuch zum Kochbuch, vom Kochbuch zum Arzneibuch: Eine diätetische Reise von der arabischen Welt und Byzanz über Italien ins spätmittelalterliche Bayern,” in Andrea Hofmeister-Winter, Helmut W. Klug, and Karin Kranich, eds., “Der Koch ist der bessere Arzt”: Zum Verhältnis von Diätetik und Kulinarik im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, Fachtagung im Rahmen des Tages der Geisteswissenschaften 2013 an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 20.6.-22.6.2013 (Mediävistik zwischen Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit. 8.) (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2014), 39-62.
- Borgonovo, C., Bruhn de Garavito, J., & Prévost, P. (2015). Mood selection in relative clauses: Interfaces and variability. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 37(1), 33-69.
- Ramírez-Trujillo, A. P., & Bruhn de Garavito, J. (2015). Verbal agreement in the L2 Spanish of speakers of Nahuatl. In T. Judy & S. Perpiñán (Eds.), The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings (pp. 49-74). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Luxus als Komfort im Journal des Luxus und der Moden. Wissenspopularisierung und Kulturanthropologie am Beispiel kontrovers diskutierter Schuhmoden um 1800.” Fremde – Luxus – Räume. Ed. Jutta Eming, Gaby Pailer, Franziska Schößler. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2014: 229-255.
- “Arabeskgroteske »Zimmerverzierung« in der Raumästhetik des Interieurs um 1800,” Interieur und Bildtapete. Narrative des Wohnens um 1800. Ed. Katharina Eck, Astrid Silvia Schönhagen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2014: 203-222.
- “Identidad, crisis y reevaluación de la historia: Ricardo Darín en El secreto de sus ojos y Un cuento chino”. Imagofagia, 10 (ISSN 1852 – 9550), January 2015.
- “La novia niña y la niña de la calle: Venezuela en la mirada de Solveig Hoogesteijn”, in M. Copartari and C. Sitnisky (eds.), El estado de las cosas: cine latinoamericano en el nuevo milenio. Madrid: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015. 99-114.
- “From dark to light and the in-between penumbrae: Buenos Aires in the cinema of the transition to democracy” (28-29), and reviews of En retirada (44-45), La historia oficial (52-53) and Sur (54-55) in M. Pigott and S. Oyarzabal (eds.), World Film Locations: Buenos Aires. Bristol: Intellect, 2014.
- “Lita Stantic: Auteur Producer / Producer of Auteurs”, in A. Spicer, A.T. McKenna, C. Meir (eds.), Beyond the Bottom-Line: The Producer in Film and Television Studies. London: Continuum, 2014. 215-228.
- “La historia argentina va a los Oscar. Los discursos históricos premiados por Hollywood”, in R. Marafiotti (ed.), Signos En El Tiempo. Cine, Historia y Discurso. Buenos Aires: Biblos, 2013. 57-66.
- Darby, David. “’nicht zu nah und nicht zu weit’: Windows and the Domestication of Modernity in Fontane’s Berlin.” Windows: Motif and Topos in Austrian, German and Swiss Art and Literature. Ed. Heide Kunzelmann and Anne Simon. London German Studies 15. Munich: iudicium, 2016. 85─109.
- The Letter and the Cosmos: How the Alphabet Has Shaped the 深夜福利站 View of the World. University of Toronto Press, 2016.
- Egil the Viking Poet: New Approaches to Egils Saga. University of Toronto Press, 2015. Co-edited volume.
Book Chapter:
- “The Concept of the Self in Egils Saga: A Ricoeurean approach.” In Egil the Viking Poet: New Approaches to Egils Saga. 57-74.
- "An Atheist in Rome." New England Review 36:4 (2015): 111-145, and online at
- “The Alphabetic Order and the Order of the Cosmos in Antiquity.” Colóquio Da Letra ao Imaginário. Em Homenagem à Professora Irene Freire Nunes. Univ. Nova de Lisboa (Jan. 2014). 212-31.
- “The Problem of Look-alike Characters in the Vulgate Cycle of the Arthurian Romances and Juan Manuel’s El Conde Lucanor. Comparative Literature 66 (2014): 173-85.
- “The Piano is Always There: A Story of Lisbon.” New England Review 35 (2015): 185-98.
- Kharrat, Yahya, “The Orthography of Hamzah: a Recurring Problem for Non-Native Speaking Arabic Students, its Causes and Remedy: An Applied Example for Advanced Students” Al-cArabiyya The Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic Vol 50 (2016) Published by Georgetown University Press.
- Ed., Festschrift Matei Călinescu. Yearbook of Comparative Literature 59, 2013 (published in May, 2016) (Indiana University & University of Toronto Press); 295 pp.; ISSN: US 0084-3695; E-ISSN 1947-2978;
- Ed., “Literary Theory and the Sciences” (“Theoria litterarum et scientia rerum naturae”), special issue of Neohelicon 41.2. Budapest/Springer Verlag, 2014
- Ed., Rereading Faces. Festschrift Matei Călinescu. Yearbook of Comparative Literature no. 59 (Indiana University & University of Toronto Press), 2015
- Senior Editor, Romanian Literature, vol. 19 of The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company Ltd., London, UK (ongoing)
Articles/book chapters
- “Theses on Political Reimagination.” “Repenser le politique à travers des imaginaires dispersés.” Cahiers Echinox 30 (June, 2016): 353-6 ISBN 978-2-36424-043-8
- “Fuentes and Sources.” The Scattered Pelican, 1.2 (June, 2016)
- “Translation and Mutual Transcendence.” Metacritic. Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 2.1 (July, 2016): 5-18
- Columns, “Altele-s artele” (c. “Arts’ Hearts”; in Romanian, in the monthly magazine Orizont [Timişoara])
- “Cînd să cadă ghilotina, a dat peste ei maşina” (When the guillotine blade was about to fall, they got hit by a car) 10 (Oct. 2016): 3
- “Interferenţe” (Interferences) 9 (Sept. 2016): 3
- “Cişmigiu decomp.” (Bucharest Central Park deconstr.) 8 (Aug. 2016): 3
- “Jojohn” 7 (Jul. 2016): 3
- “Digitale quale.2” 6 (Jun. 2016): 3
- “Digitale quale” 5 (May 2016): 3
- “Nina Knew.” Postface to Nina Cassian’s The Avant-Garde Doesn’t Die and Never Surrenders. New York: New Meridian, 2016: 61-5
- “Índica Nina.” Prefaţă la volumul de versuri al Ninei Cassian Avangarda nu moare şi nu se predă (“Nina in Hindisight.” Preface to N. C.’s The Avant-garde Doesn’t Die and Never Surrenders [Romanian]). Craiova: Scrisul românesc, 2016: 5-8
- “The Quiet Romanian.” The Editor’s Preface to Festschrift Matei Călinescu: iii-3
- From Split Hairs to Split Seconds.Rereading Faces. Festschrift Matei Călinescu. Yearbook of Comparative Literaturno. 59. Ed. by Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, 2015: 117-124
- Columns, “Altele-s artele” (c. “Arts’ Hearts”; in Romanian, in the monthly magazine Orizont [Timişoara])
- “Abracabbracci” 4 (Apr. 2016): 3
- “Solitaire” 3 (Mar. 2016): 3
- “Prinţesa din Quantar” (The Quantar Princess) 2 (Feb. 2016): 3
- “Recenzii de opera ştiinţifice” (Science Reviews) 1 (Jan. 2016): 3
- “Statuia” (The Statue) 12 (Dec. 2015): 3
- “Camere” (Cameras) 11 (Nov. 2015): 3
- “Scrisoare către Darwin” (Letter to Darwin) 10 (Oct. 2015): 3
- “Aşa se-ncheie” (Book Endings) 9 (Sept. 2015): 3
- “In the Country of Panpan. Romanian Dark Fun Cinema in and out of Focus.” European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition, ed. by Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2015: 187-96. ISBN-10: 3837618188
- “Carlos Mann” (in Spanish), INTI (Revista de literatura hispánica, Providence, RI), 79-80 (2014): 117-126
- “Translation and Mutual Transcendence,” Modern Horizons, Spring/Summer 2014
- Foreword, “Literary Theory and the Sciences,” special issue of Neohelicon 41.2 (“Theoria litterarum et scientia rerum naturae,” 2014)
- Monthly column, “Altele-s artele” (c. “Arts’ Hearts”; in Romanian, in the monthly magazine Orizont [Timişoara])
- “Păpizze-n somn” (Night Pizzas), 6 (June 2015): 3
- “Alibiografie” (Alibiography) 5 (May 2015): 3
- “Grăsună, valea!” (Fat Valley), 4 (Apr. 2015): 3
- “Mahaleluia” (Superbia, Suburbia), 3 (Mar. 2015): 3
- “Terna reîntoarcere” (Th’eternal Return), 2 (Feb. 2015): 3
- “Planet of the Apps,” 1 (Jan. 2015): 3
Creative Writing
- “Unu-n somn şi altu-n vis” (One in the sleep, one in the dream). Story. Uite cine vorbeşte (Look who’s talking), Tina Sâmihăian & Liviu Papadima, eds. Bucharest: Art, May, 2016
- “Petrol and Monasteries.” Şi eu am trait în communism (I also lived in communism), ed. by Ioana Pârvulescu. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2015: 272-3
- “fereASTrA” (this window). Ferestre din Bucureşti (Bucharest windows), ed by Cătălin D. Constantin. Bucharest: Peter Pan, 2015: 79
- “Reading or Webing?” (in Romanian)
- Internet “Anonymous is none of us,” and “Pactriotism” (in English and in Serbian translation, People Say/Ljudi govore (Toronto) year 8, bk. 14, issues 25/26 (November 2015): 11-12; 193
Edited Volumes
- (50%) Judy, T & Perpiñán, S. (Eds.) (2015). The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings. Issues in Hispanic & Lusophone Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (362 pp. + index)
Refereed Publications
- Perpiñán, S. (forthcoming). Catalan-Spanish Bilingualism Continuum: The Expression of Adverbial Clitics in Different Types of Early Bilinguals. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
- Judy, T. & Perpiñán, S. (2015). The importance of crosslinguistic comparison in the study of the acquisition of Spanish. In T. Judy & S. Perpiñán (Eds.) The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings (pp. 1-18). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Perpiñán, S. (2015). The locative paradigm in the L2 Spanish of Catalan native speakers. In T. Judy & S. Perpiñán (Eds.) The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings (pp. 105-132). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Perpiñán, S. (2014/2015). L2 Grammar and L2 Processing in the Acquisition of Spanish Prepositional Relative Clauses. Bilingualism: Language, and Cognition. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728914000583.
- Perpiñán, S. (2014). Locatives and existentials in L2 Spanish: the acquisition of the semantic contrasts between ser, estar and haber. Second Language Research, 30, 4, 485-514.
- Ruiz-Peña, E., Sevilla, D., & Rafat, Y. (2015). Second dialect imitation: The production of Ecuadorian Spanish assibilated rhotics by Andalusian speakers of Spanish. In E. Babatsouli & D. Ingram (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015 (pp. 288-300). ISBN: 978-618-82351-0-6. URL:
- Rafat, Y. (2015). The interaction of acoustic and orthographic input in the L2 production of assibilated/fricative rhotics. Applied Psycholinguistics,36(1), 43-64. DOI:10.1017/S0142716414000423.
- Alena Robin, “Voices from the Archives. The Painter's Profession in Mexico City in 1735: Phelipe Chacón, José de Ibarra and Nicolás Enríquez in the Royal Mint,” Agents of Space: Eighteenth-Century Art, Architecture and Visual Culture, ed. Christina Smylitopoulos, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 174-191. ISBN: 978-1-4438-8883-7.
- 2014: "One Adam and Nine Eves in Donald Siegel's The Beguiled and Giovanni Boccaccio's 3:1 of the The Decameron." Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature. 98 (1): 1-12.
- “Darse al diablo: Spanish Literature, Music, and Society in El Diablo Cojuelo (1878) by Composer Francisco Asenjo Barbieri and Librettists Mariano Pina Domínguez and Miguel Ramos Carrión.” Decimonónica (Journal of Nineteenth Century Hispanic Cultural Production). 12.1 (Winter 2015): n. pag. Web.
- “Many Voices: Reflections on the Personal and Professional Dimensions of Community Service Learning and Graduate Education in Hispanic Studies in Canada” Memoria del Congreso Annual 2013. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese – Capítulo Ontario. Eds. Luis Abanto and David Rozotto. Ottawa: Ottawa Hispanic Studies – Series Ensayos, 2014. 115-129. Print.
- Chow, I, Belyk, M., Tran, V., & Brown, S. (2015). Syllable synchronization and the P-center in Cantonese. Journal of Phonetics 49(1): 55-66.
- Geneviève De Viveiros, Margot Irvine and Karin Schwerdtner, Risques et regrets. Les dangers de l’écriture épistolaire, Montréal, Nota bene, 2015.
- Image et images du Moyen Âge. Mélanges en l’honneur de Jacques Charles Lemaire, éd. Alain Goldschläger, Orléans, Paradigme (« Medievalia » 84), 2014, 186 p.
- Laté Lawson-Hellu, Fida Dakroub (eds). Le Fait religieux dans les écritures et expressions francophones. Les Cahiers du GRELCEF 8, 2016. 318 pp. ISSN 1918-9370 (Published in August 2016) (
Chapters in Books:
- Laté Lawson-Hellu, Fida Dakroub. “Le Fait religieux dans les écritures et expressions francophones”. The Volume Editors’ introduction to Les Cahiers du GRELCEF 8, 2016 : 13-24 (
- Laté Lawson-Hellu. “Le fait littéraire francophone et la question religieuse”. The Editor’s Preface to Les Cahiers du GRELCEF 8, 2016 : 11 (
- Laté Lawson-Hellu. “Le fait religieux et la résistance anticolonialiste chez Félix Couchoro”. Les Cahiers du GRELCEF 8, 2016 : 69-81 (
- Munyankesha, Pascal. 2014. Les défis du plurilinguisme officiel au Rwanda. Analyse sociolinguistique. Presses Académiques Francophones. Sarrebruck. Allemagne. ISBN: 978-3841624963
Refereed journal publications:
- Purdy, Anthony, and Helen Gregory. “Present Signs, Dead Things: Indexical Authenticity and Taxidermy’s Nonabsent Animal.” Configurations 23.1 (Winter 2015): 61-92.
- Purdy, Anthony. “At the Aphasiac’s Table: Archive Anxiety.docx.” SubStance 135, 43.3 (2014): 139-55.
Book chapter:
- Purdy, Anthony. “Performing House: Iris Häussler at the Grange.” Bridget Elliott, ed. Breaking and Entering: The Contemporary House Cut, Spliced, and Haunted. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015. 46-63.
- Paul, Ileana, "When bare nouns scope wide. The case of Malagasy" Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 43: 271-305 (2016).
Chapter in a monograph:
- "L'Appel des arenes, ou le devenir cosmique comme emancipation" in Aminata Saw Fall: itineraire d'une pionniere, eds. Cheik M. S. Diop and Alioune Diaw, Interculturel Francophonies no. 27 (2015): 85-102.
- Pets and their Couples with Peter Lang.
- Allan, Andrea. Violence and Desire in Brazilian Lesbian Relationships (Palgrave Macmillan) September 2015.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2016. Renewable inequity? Women’s employment in clean energy in industrialized, emerging and developing economies. Natural Resources Forum: A United Nations Journal DOI: 10.1111/1477-8947.12105
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2015. NGOs as intermediaries in post-disaster rural reconstruction: findings from research in India. Development in Practice 25(7): 1–14.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2015. NGOs as Intermediaries for Pro-Poor Electrification in India: Urban Development in a Post-Neoliberal Era? Asian Journal of Social Science 43: 178-204.
- Baruah, B. 2015. Opportunities and Constraints for Women in the Renewable Energy Sector in India. Women and Environments International 94/95: 7-10.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2015. Creating Opportunities for Women in the Renewable Energy Sector: Findings from India. Feminist Economics.
- Baruah, Bipasha and Mini Govindan. 2015. Engaging with Gender and Other Social Inequalities in Renewable Energy Projects. In Hostettler, S., Gadgil, A. and E. Hazboun (eds.). Sustainable Access to Energy in the Global South: Essential Technologies and Implementation Approaches. New York: Springer.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2015. Electrified Publics and Informal Settlements in Urban India. In McDonald, D.A. (ed.). Making Public in a Privatized World: The Struggle for Essential Services. New York and London: Zed Books.
- Baruah, B. 2015. NGOs as Intermediaries for Slum Electrification in Urban India. In Hodson, M. and S. Marvin (eds.). Retrofitting Cities. London, UK: Taylor & Francis.
Peer-reviewed Book Chapters
- Baruah, B. 2016. NGOs as Intermediaries for Slum Electrification in Urban India. In Hodson, M. & S. Marvin (eds.). Retrofitting Cities: priorities, governance and experimentations. New York: Routledge.
- Baruah, B. 2016. Electrified Publics and Informal Settlements in Urban India. In McDonald, D.A. (ed.). Making Public in a Privatized World. New York and London: Zed Books.
- Baruah, B. and M. Govindan. 2015. Engaging with Gender and Other Social Inequalities in Renewable Energy Projects. In Hostettler, S., Gadgil, A. and E. Hazboun (eds.). Sustainable Access to Energy in the Global South: Essential Technologies and Implementation Approaches. New York: Springer.
Peer-Reviewed Working Paper
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2016.. Knowledge Synthesis Report prepared for SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Symposium, Imagining Canada’s Future, June 1, 2016, University of Calgary.
Non-refereed Publications
- Baruah, Bipasha and Crystal Gaudet. 2016. . This Changes Everything: The Leap. August 19 (70% contribution) (original op-ed in The Hill Times)
- Baruah, B. 2016. Development Unplugged (for the Canadian Council for International Co-operation): Reconciling Economic Security, Environmental Protection and Social Justice. Huffington Post. April 1.
- Baruah, B. 2016. Development Unplugged (for the Canadian Council for International Co-operation): There's a Gender Gap In The Global Renewable Energy Workforce. Huffington Post. March 8.
- Baruah, B. 2015. Development Unplugged (for the Canadian Council for International Co-operation): We Need To Change How We Define Success In Development. Huffington Post. November 26.
- Baruah, B. 2015. Opportunities and Constraints for Women in the Renewable Energy Sector in India. Women and Environments International 94/95: 7-10.
- 2015 Beaudoin, Julianna. “Exploring the contemporary relevance of Gypsy stereotypes in the Buffyverse”. The Journal of Popular Culture. Vol. 28, no. 2 pp. 313-327.
- 2015 Rehaag, Sean, Julianna Beaudoin, and Jennifer Danch. “No Refuge: Hungarian Romani Refugee Claims in Canada”. Osgoode Hall Law Journal. Review copy published online April 2: (Expected hard copy publication date: December 2015)
- "Fundamentally Incompetent: Homophobia, Religion and the Right to Parent," with Colin Macleod, in Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights: Ethical and Philosophical Issues, Edited by Michael Cholbi and Jaime Ahlberg. Routledge, 2016.
- Permissible Progeny? The Morality of Procreation and Parenting Oxford University Press October 2015
- Sarah Hannan, Samantha Brennan, and Richard Vernon, Permissible Progeny? Moral Considerations and Procreative Choice, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Journal Articles:
- “How Many Parents Can a Child Have? Philosophical Reflections on the “Three Parent Case,”
- with Bill Cameron, Dialogue, available on CJO2014. doi:10.1017/S0012217314000705.
- “Micro-inequities and Asian American Philosophers,” in The APA Newsletter on Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies, Fall 2014, Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 7-9.
Book Chapters:
- “Is Marriage Bad for Children? Rethinking the Connection between Having Children, Romantic Love, and Marriage,” with Bill Cameron, forthcoming in Beyond Marriage, edited by Elizabeth Brake, Oxford University Press.
- “The moral status of micro-inequities: In favour of institutional solutions,” forthcoming in Implicit Bias in Philosophy, edited by Michael Brownstein and Jennifer Saul, Oxford University Press.
- “Miss Piggy's Feminism: Redefining Human Relationships through Martial Arts,” Jim Henson and Philosophy, edited by Timothy M. Dale and Joseph J. Foy, Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
- “Children’s Rights, Well-being and Sexual Agency,” with Jennifer Epp, in The Wellbeing of Children in Theory and Practice, Alexander Bagattini and Colin Macleod (editors), Springer, 2015.
- "The Goods of Childhood, Children's Rights, and the Role of Parents as Advocates and Interpreters,” in Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges, Françoise Baylis and Carolyn McLeod (editors), Oxford University Press, 2014.
- “Rethinking the Moral Significance of Micro-Inequities: The Case of Women in Philosophy,” in Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change?, Fiona Jenkins and Katrina Hutchison (editors), Oxford University Press, 2013.
- “'Those Shoes Are Definitely Bicurious': More Thoughts on the Politics of Fashion,” in Passing/Out: Sexual Identity Veiled and Revealed, Dennis Cooley and Kelby Harrison (editors), Ashgate Publishing, 2012, pp. 171-180.
- ”Fashion and Sexual Identity, or Why Recognition Matters,” in Fashion and Philosophy, Jeanette Kennett and Jessica Wolfendale (editors), Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 120-134.
- Helen Fielding, "Cultivating Perception: Phenomenological Encounters with Artworks”, Signs: Symposium on "Politics of the Sensing Subject: Gender, Perception, Art," Anne Keefe (ed). 40.2 (2015): 280-289.
- Helen Fielding, “Filming Dance: Embodied Syntax in Sasha Waltz’s ‘S’, Paragraph (Special Issue on ‘Screening Embodiment”) 38.1 (2015): 69-85.
- Helen Fielding, “The Poetry of Habit”, in Silvia Stoller (ed.) Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics, De Gruyter Publishers. 2014, pp. 69-81.
- Isaacs, Tracy and Samantha Brennan (guest co-editors and co-authors of introduction). “See How She Runs: Feminists Rethink Fitness.” Special Issue of the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Vol. 9, No. 2 (Fall 2016): 1-11.
- Isaacs, Tracy. “The Most Good We Can Do: Comments on Peter Singer’s The Most Good You Can Do,” The Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2016): 154-160.
- Wendy Gay Pearson. “Memories of Cultural Dismemberment: Nils Gaup and the Re-Membering of Sámi History.” Companion to Nordic Cinema, ed. Mette Hjort and Ursula Lindqvist. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2016. 377-95.
- Polzer, Jessica and Power, Elaine. (2016). Neoliberal Governance and Health: Duties, Risks and Vulnerabilities. Montreal, Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press.
- Taylor, Christopher Stuart. Flying Fish in the Great White North: The Autonomous Migration of Black Barbadians. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2016.
- Review of Kovacs, G. and C. W. Marshall (eds), Son of Classics and Comics (Oxford 2015). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.09.05.
- “Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry”, Digital Humanities Quarterly 9.3 (2015). Co-author with N. W. Bernstein and Wei Lin.
- “Tydeus the hero? Intertextual confusion in Statius, Thebaid 2”, Phoenix 69 (2015), 56–78.
- Brill’s Companion to Statius (Leiden, 2015). Co-editor with W. J. Dominik and C. E. Newlands. Includes two contributed chapters:
- “Reading Statius”, pp. 3–27 (co-author with C. E. Newlands and W. J. Dominik)
- “Parent-child conflict in the Thebaid”, pp. 221–39.
- “Notes on Statius, Thebaid 2”, Classical Quarterly 65 (2015), 411–15.
- “This is my Sparta! 300 (1998), 300 (2007), and Three (2013–14)”, invited feature article in The Amphora Issue, Melbourne Historical Journal 42.2 (2014), 3–19.
- Contribution to The Vates Anthology of New Latin Poetry (ed. M. Walker, 2015), pp. 42-50. Art by Garett Schoffro.
- 2016. Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia (Entries on: “Britain”, “Britons”, “British Revolt”, “Conquest of Britain”, “Families of Soldiers”, “Hadrian’s Wall”, “Marriage of Soldiers”, “Vindolanda”)
- 2016. with A. Birley and A. Meyer. “Recent Discoveries in the Fort and Extramural Settlement at Vindolanda: Excavations from 2009–2015,” Britannia 47 (first view: July 2016; print November 2016).
- 2015c. “Review: P. Allison. 2013. People and Spaces in Roman Military Bases. Cambridge Univ. Press” Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015) 390-391.
- 2015b. “Roman Military Pay and Soldiers’ Families: The Household Contribution to Subsistence” in N. Sharankov and L. Vagalinski (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, 2012. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2015. 495-99.
- 2015a. “Conubium cum uxoribus: Wives and Children in the Roman Military Diplomas,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 28, 125-159.
- Virgil and Joyce Nationalism and Imperialism in the Aeneid and Ulysses Randall J. Pogorzelski
Book Chapters:
- Bernd Steinbock, “Coin Types and Latin Panegyrics as Means of Imperial Communication,” in N. T. Elkins and S. Krmnicek (eds.), ‘Art in the Round’: New Approaches to Ancient Coin Iconography. Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen 16 (Rahden/Westfalen 2014), pp. 51-67
Book Review:
- Bernd Steinbock, Review of Peter Meineck, David Konstan (ed.), Combat Trauma and the Ancient Greeks. The New Antiquity. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) in BMCR 2015.08.15
- Peter M. Day and David E. Wilson. 2016. “Dawn of the Amphora: The Emergence of Maritime Transport Containers in the Early Bronze Age Aegean,” in B. Knapp and S. Demesticha (eds), Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze - Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 183, pp. 17-37.
Chapters in Books:
- “The Early Bronze II Seal impressions from Ayia Irini, Kea: Their Context, Pan-Aegean Links, and Meaning,” in The Great Islands. Studies of Crete and Cyprus presented to Gerald Cadogan, eds. C.F. Macdonald, E. Hatzaki and S. Andreou. Kapon Editions, Athens, 2015, pp. 168-174.
- European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, June 2015), co-edited with Tobias Nagl , 416 pp.
- “Towards a Politics of Scale,” with Tobias Nagl, in Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl, eds. European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2015), 9-40.
- “Veit Helmer’s Tuvalu, Cinema Babel and the (Dis)Location of Europe,” with Tobias Nagl, in Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl, eds. European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2015), 333-348.
- “The Archival Impulse and the Digitization of European Film History: The European Film Gateway Project,” with Thomas Ballhausen in Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl ed. European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015), 151-172.
Books Edited:
- Small cinemas in Global Markets. Genres, Identities, Narratives. Eds. Lenuta Giukin, Janina Falkowska, David Desser, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2015.
Chapters in Books:
- “Small Cinemas within a Big Cinema: The Cinema of the Abject and the Cinema of Capitalist Fantasy in Poland.” In European Visions. Small Cinemas in Transition ed. By Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2015.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
- “Pocalunek smierci. Przestrzen Pozakadrowa w filmach Michaela Haneke, Andrieja Sokurowa oraz Andrzeja Wajdy.” Kwartalnik Filmowy 87-88 (2014), Rocznik: XXXVI (jesień-zima 2014)
- Film i teatr. Wydawca: Instytut Sztuki PAN, Stowarzyszenie Liber Pro Arte
- PL ISSN 0452-9502 Indeks 336246, 217-232.
- “Michael Haneke. Mourning and Melancholia in European Cinema” in “Media-Kultura-Komunikacja Spoleczna” (Media-Culture-Social Communication) Olsztyn. University Warmińsko-Mazurski, Poland, 2015.
- The voices of death in Andrzej Wajda’s film Tatarak (Sweet Rush, 2009) In Studies in European Cinema, Eds. Owen Evans and Graeme Harper, Intellect Ltd., Francis and Taylor online2015. DOI: 10.1080/17411548.2015.1065107
- European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015), co-edited with Janelle Blankenship
Chapters in books:
- "The Afterlife of Stuart Hall. Why Hall?," in Dagmar Brunow (ed.), Stuart Hall: Aktivismus, Pop und Politik (Mainz: Ventil Verlag, 2015).
- "Introduction: Towards a Politics of Scale" (with Janelle Blankenship) in: Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl, (eds.), European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015)
- "Veit Helmer's Tuvalu, Cinema Babel and the (Dis-)Location of Europe" (with Janelle Blankenship), in: Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl, (eds.), European Visions: Small Cinemas in Transition (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015)
- "Policing Race: Postcolonial Critique, Censorship and Regulatory Responses to the Cinema in Weimar Film Culture," in: Malte Hagener (ed.), The Emergence of Film Culture: Knowlege Production, Institution Building, and the Fate of the Avant-garde in Europe, 1919-1945 (Oxford/New York: Berghahn, 2014)
- Visual Studies with Andrea Noble and Thy Phu on "Cold War Visual Alliances," 30, no. 2 (June 2015). Available from: .
- Picturing Toronto Photography and the Making of a Modern City Sarah Bassnett, McGill-Queens University Press, April 2016.
- Essay: “Between Truth and Fiction,” Of Time and Building. 18-27. Exhibition catalogue, Dawn Owen and Alison Nordstrom. (Guelph: Art Gallery of Guelph, 2015).
- "Cosmic Stutters: Anselm Kiefer's Search for Redemption In the Stars," in Nicholas Campion (ed.), Heavenly Discourses: Proceedings of the “Heavenly Discourses” Conference, Bristol, 2011 (Ceredigion, Wales: University of Wales, Sophie Centre Press, 2016), pp. 263-270.
- "The Story Behind Asteroid 14060 Patersonewen," in Brian Patrick Abbott (ed.), Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VIII: City of Stars. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 501 San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2015), pp. 67-73
- Patrick Mahon “Still, the Wind: What are Artists Doing about the Weather?” Feature Article (Border Crossings Magazine, Winter 2016,Issue 137) p. 54-61
Chapters Published
- 2016 "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe: Silence and Sound in Performance", essay for More Caught in the Act, eds. Johanna Householder and Tanya Mars, YYZ Books; 20 pages
Chapters Published
- 2016 "Record Release 7-inch" for Sweet Gongs Vibrating, San Diego Art Institute, San Diego (curator Amanda Cachia)
- 2016 "Greatest Hits" CD, Squint.Press
Published Audio Works (solo)
- 2016 "Record Release 7-inch" at Tranzac, Toronto
- "Record Release 7-inch" for Sweet Gongs Vibrating, San Diego Art Institute, San Diego
- "Mixer" for 21C Festival, Royal Conservatory, co-presented by MOCA, Toronto. My work performed by myself and: Ronnie Clarke, Jessica Karuhanga, Stephen Mueller, Juliana Pivato, Xuan Ye, Andrew Zukerman
- BOOK - EDITORIAL - - Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, 2015.
- JOURNAL - ARTIST/CURATOR PROJECT - - , Volume 4, Number 2.
Edited Journal:
- with Lisa Vinebaum. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture [special issue: Crafting Community: Textiles, Publics, Performance and Participation]. London: Berg Press, 2016.
- Kirsty Robertson and Lisa Vinebaum. “Crafting Community.” Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 14.1 (2016), pp. 2-13.>
- “Shopping Cartographies.” In The Vancouver Carts: Photographs by Kelly Wood. James Patten, ed. London: Black Dog Publishers, 2016.
- “Quilts for the Twenty-First Century: Activism in the Expanded Field of Quilting” In Handbook of Textiles, eds. Janis Jefferies, Hazel Clark and Diana Wood Conroy. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2016, pp. 197-210.
- Hitchcock and Contemporary Art. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
- “‘In a Hundred Years of Cinema…’: Cultural Memory and Musealization in Harun Farocki’s Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades,” in Gabriele Muller and Peter McIsaac, “Exhibiting the German Past: Museums, Film, Musealization,” University of Toronto Press, 2015.
- “Past Failures and Future Promises: Mark Lewis’ Children’s Games, Heygate Estate”, in Bridget Elliott, ed. Breaking and Entering: The House Cut, Spliced and Haunted, McGill-Queens, 2015.