
Animal Care and Veterinary Services Animal Care and Veterinary Services

eSirius 3G

The eSirius Database Management underwent a much-needed software upgrade, called eSirius 3G, in July of 2017. eSirius 3G is accessed at .

Benefits of eSirius 3G

For all users:

For users of ACVS-Managed facilities:

Changes in Regards to Designates

Due to the licensing agreements with the software vendor, we will be implementing a 2-Designate limit for PI groups in eSirius. These Designates will have access to both AUPs and Animal Ordering and will be the only people – aside from the PIs themselves – able to order animals through ACVS. Additionally, to align with institutional funding requirements, Designates will also be required to have delegated signing authority up to $5000 on associated charge accounts, if ordering animals. More information about delegated signing authority can be found at the Financial Management Section of .

To make sure all designates have access, please send the names and email addresses of your two designates to eSirius3G@uwo.ca.
